Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML::Cell - XLSX Cell data class
See the SYNOPSIS in the Workbook class
This is the class that contains cell data. There are no XML parsing actions taken in the background of this class. All data has been pre-coalated/built from the Worksheet class. In general the Worksheet class will populate the attributes of this class when it is generated. If you want to use it as a standalone class just fill in the Attributes below. It should be noted that the Worksheet class also pre-converts the unformatted value as well.
Primary Methods
These are methods used to transform data stored in the Attributes (not just return it directly). All methods are object methods and should be implemented on the instance.
my $unformatted_value = $cell_intance->unformatted;
Definition: Returns the unformatted value of the cell
Returns: the raw Excel visible cell value
Definition: This is a predicate method to determine if the cell had any value stored in it. Sometimes this class will be generated by the Worksheet class when there is cell formatting but no value. Ex. Merged cells store the value in the left upper corner of the merged area but have cell specific formatting for all cells in the merge area.
Returns: True if the cell holds an unformatted value (even if it is just a space or empty string)
Definition: Returns the formatted value of the cell transformed from the unformatted string. This method uses the conversion stored in the cell_coercion attribute. If there is no format/conversion set then this will return the unformatted value. Any failures to process this value can be retrieved with $self->error.
Returns: the cell value processed by the set conversion
Definition: TuxPointed out with a test case that the underlying xml and the visible unformatted data (in the formula bar of the excel application) can differ even when no formal format is applied. I'm not sure where this performance comes from but I suspect legacy behaviour inheritance. In any case the variation appears to occur only in the case of stored scientific notiation at very detailed precision. To support the access of both I have left the 'unformatted' representing the visible data in the spreadsheet with the 'xml_value' method returning the stored value in xml. I would welcome any additional nuance that you are aware of in this area SUPPORT.
Returns: the raw xml cell value
Definition: This is a predicate method to determine if the cell had any value stored in it. This method and has_unformatted should return exactly the same result in all cases. See that method for more explanation.
Returns: True if the cell xml holds a value (even if it is just a space or empty string)
This class is just a storage of coallated information about the requested cell stored in the following attributes. For more information on attributes see Moose::Manual::Attributes. The meta data about the cell can be retrieved from each attribute using the 'attribute methods'.
Definition: This attribute holds an 'error' object instance. In general the package shares a reference for this instance accross the workbook with all worksheets and all cells so any set or get action should return the latest error state from anywhere. (not just the instance you are working on)
Default: a Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML::Error instance with the attributes set as;
( should_warn => 0 )
Range: The minimum list of methods to implement for your own instance is;
error set_error clear_error set_warnings if_warn
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns this instance
Definition: Used to get the most recently logged error
Definition: used to set a new error string
Definition: used to clear the current error string in this attribute
Definition: used to turn on or off real time warnings when errors are set. This is a delegated method from the error instance.
Definition: a method mostly used to extend this package and see if warnings should be emitted.
Definition: This holds the unformatted value of the cell (if any)
Default: undef
Range: a string
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns the attribute value
Definition: a predicate method to determine if any value is in the cell
Definition: This attribute hold a rich text data structure like "get_rich_text()" in Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell with the exception that it doesn't bless each hashref into an object. The hashref's are also organized per the Excel xlsx information in the the sharedStrings.xml file. In general this is an arrayref of arrayrefs where the second level contains two positions. The first position is the place (from zero) where the formatting is implemented. The second position is a hashref of the formatting values. The format is inforce until the next start place is identified.
note: It is important to understand that Excel can store two formats for the same cell and often they don't agree. For example using the attribute cell_font will not always contain the same value as specific fonts (or any font) listed in the rich text array. f =back
Default: undef = no rich text defined for this cell
Range: an array ref of rich_text positions and definitions
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns the attribute value
Definition: Indicates if the attribute has anything stored
Definition: This holds the font assigned to the cell
Default: undef
Range: a hashref of definitions for the font
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns the attribute value
Definition: Indicates if the attribute has anything stored
Definition: This holds the border settings assigned to the cell
Default: undef
Range: a hashref of border definitions
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns the attribute value
Definition: Indicates if the attribute has anything stored
Definition: This holds the border settings assigned to the cell
Default: undef
Range: a hashref of style definitions
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns the attribute value
Definition: Indicates if the attribute has anything stored
Definition: This holds the fill settings assigned to the cell
Default: undef
Range: a hashref of style definitions
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns the attribute value
Definition: Indicates if the attribute has anything stored
Definition: This holds the type of data stored in the cell. In general it follows the convention of ParseExcel (Date, Numeric, or Text) however, since custom coercions will change data to some possible non excel standard state this also allows a 'Custom' type representing any cell with a custom conversion assigned to it (by you either at the worksheet level or here).
Default: Text
Range: Text = Strings, Numeric = Real Numbers, Date = Real Numbers with an assigned Date conversion, Custom = any stored value with a custom conversion
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns the attribute value
Definition: Indicates if the attribute has anything stored (Always true)
Definition: This holds the byte encodeing of the data stored in the cell
Default: Unicode
Range: Traditional encoding options
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns the attribute value
Definition: Indicates if the attribute has anything stored
Definition: if the cell is part of a group of merged cells this will store the upper left and lower right cell ID's in a string concatenated with a ':'
Default: undef
Range: two cell ID's
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns the attribute value
Definition: Indicates if the attribute has anything stored
Definition: if the cell value (unformatted) is calculated based on a formula the Excel formula string is stored in this attribute.
Default: undef
Range: Excel formula string
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns the attribute value
Definition: Indicates if the attribute has anything stored
Definition: This is the sheet row that the cell was read from
Range: the minimum row to the maximum row
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns the attribute value
Definition: Indicates if the attribute has anything stored
Definition: This is the sheet column that the cell was read from
Range: the minimum column to the maximum column
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns the attribute value
Definition: Indicates if the attribute has anything stored
Definition: This is the cell ID of the cell
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns the attribute value
Definition: Indicates if the attribute has anything stored
Definition: This stores any hyperlink from the cell
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns the attribute value
Definition: Indicates if the attribute has anything stored
Definition: This attribute holds the tranformation code to turn an unformatted value into a formatted value.
Default: a Type::Tiny instance with sub types set to assign different inbound data types to different coercions for the target outcome of formatted data.
Range: If you wish to set this with your own code it must have two methods. First, 'assert_coerce' which will be applied when transforming the unformatted value. Second, 'display_name' which will be used to self identify. For an example of how to build a custom format see "custom_formats" in Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML::Worksheet.
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns this instance
Definition: used to clear the this attribute
Definition: used to set a new coercion instance. Implementation of this method will also switch the cell type to 'Custom'.
Definition: Indicate if any coecion code is applied
Definition: calls 'display_name' on the code in the background
Definition: if the cell would not be visible when this file is parsed by a the Microsoft Excel application then this attribute is true.
Default: 0 = Not hidden
Range: sheet = the sheet is hidden, column = the column is hidden, row = the row is hidden. When two or more of these conditions is true the leftmost in the list is displayed.
attribute methods Methods provided to adjust this attribute
Definition: returns the attribute value
1. Return the merge range in array and hash formats
2. Add calc chain values
3. Have unformatted return '' (the empty string) rather than undef for null?
Jed Lund
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.
This software is copyrighted (c) 2014, 2015 by Jed
version 0.77
Type::Tiny - 1.000>
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel - Excel 2003 and earlier
Spreadsheet::XLSX - 2007+
Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX - 2007+
All lines in this package that use Log::Shiras are commented out