Changes for version v0.38.18 - 2015-09-24
- ! Several tests added in the background (Not part of the package yet) to ensure a safer release The (future) goal is to create tests small enough to fit with the package for the same failure modes ! Fixes #82 in github as well as removing the fail for negative decimal rounding numbers inferred from scientific notiation ! Addresses #81 in github with safer string searching ! Addresses #80 in github by Manually building this package on my system and then running the Spreadsheet::Read (master) tests after. Long term I would like to import more of that testing to this package. ! Addresses #79 in github with by allowing for EOF flags to add this and only use the value where available Still needs a test added to the test suit ! Addresses #78 in github with by substituting the values from the sheet where no row span is provided Still needs a test added to the test suit
Read xlsx calcChain files with LibXML
Read xlsx chartsheets with LibXML
Read xlsx sharedStrings files with LibXML
Read xlsx styles files with LibXML
Read xlsx spreadsheet files with LibXML
XLSX Cell data class
Translate Excel cell IDs to column row
Moose class for remembering the last error
Default xlsx number formats and localization
Parser of XLSX format strings
XLSX Row data class
A type library for the LibXML xlsx reader
Top level XLSX::Reader Worksheet interface
A LibXML::Reader xlsx base class
A LibXML::Reader calcChain base class
A LibXML::XMLReader chartsheet base class
A LibXML::Reader sharedStrings base class
A LibXML::Reader styles base class
Pull rows out of worksheet xml files
Role to turn xlsx XML to perl hashes