Changes for version v0.34.2 - 2015-02-14

  • ! Scrubbed exising pod for cruft and closed #13 issue in github ! Improved the contributors section ! Re-orderd the changes section from bottom to top rather than top to bottom ! Moved the 'next' row function for empty requests for fetchrow_arrayref to Spreadsheet::XLSX::Reader::LibXML::XMLReader::Worksheet from ~LibXML::GetCell
  • moved the xml_reader attribute from ~XMLReader to private and changed the file_name attribute to coerce to a file handle and then build the xml_reader in the background
  • Closed #27 in github by removing some cruft in the worksheet build (Thank you Frank Maas)
  • Closed #26 in github by manageing the variable out rather that messing with the variable in This includes adding a possible test for the old failure in 10-get_cell.t (Thank you Frank Maas)
  • Added test 04-no_pivot_bug.t in response to issue #24 (pull request) This test actually uncovered two issues with the simple implementation and both are fixed The second issue is with a Styles sheet with no number formats listed The third issue is with worksheet ranges that only have one cell. (Thank you Frank Maas) ! Fixed the bug where there are no shared strings in the excel file (Thank you Frank Maas) ! Closed #29 in github with a substantial rework of (Thank you Frank Maas) The module API and target results didn't change
  • Closed #30 in github by adding the 'values_only' attribute documentation is found in the top level README ! Cleaned up a few more bugs found along the way ! Wrote POD for Styles.pod module and closed #12 in github ! Wrote POD for SharedStrings.pod module and closed #11 in github ! Wrote POD for module and closed #10 in github


Read xlsx calcChain files with LibXML
Read xlsx sharedStrings files with LibXML
Read xlsx styles files with LibXML
Read xlsx worksheets with LibXML


Read xlsx spreadsheet files with LibXML
Translate Excel cell IDs to column row
Moose class for remembering the last error
Default xlsx number formats and localization
Top level xlsx Worksheet interface
A type library for the LibXML xlsx reader
A LibXML::Reader xlsx base class
A LibXML::Reader calcChain base class
A LibXML::Reader sharedStrings base class
A LibXML::Reader styles base class
A LibXML::Reader worksheet base class
XMLReader to turn xlsx XML to perl hashes