Data::Walk::Extracted::Dispatch - Dispatch table management


	package Data::Walk::Extracted;
	use Moose;
	with 'Data::Walk::Extracted::Dispatch';
	my 	$main_down_level_data ={
			###### Purpose: Used to build the generic elements of the next passed ref down
			###### Recieves: the upper ref value
			###### Returns: the lower ref value or undef
			name => '- Extracted - main down level data',
			DEFAULT => sub{ undef },
			before_method => sub{ return $_[1] },
			after_method => sub{ return $_[1] },
			branch_ref => \&_main_down_level_branch_ref,
	for my $key ( keys %$upper_ref ){
		my $return = 	$self->_dispatch_method(
							$main_down_level_data, $key, $upper_ref->{$key},
		$lower_ref->{$key} = $return if defined $return;
	### this example will not run on it's own it just demonstrates usage!


This role only serves the purpose of standardizing the handling of dispatch tables. It will first attempt to call the passed dispatch call. If it cannot find it then it will attempt a 'DEFAULT' call after which it will 'confess' to failure.


_dispatch_method( $dispatch_ref, $call, @arg_list ) - internal

    Definition: To make a class extensible, the majority of the decision points can be managed by (hash) dispatch tables. In order to have the dispatch behavior common across all methods this role can be attached to the class to provided for common dispatching. If the hash key requested is not available then the dispatch method will attempt to call 'DEFAULT'. If both fail the method will 'confess'.

    Accepts: This method expects to be called by $self. It first receives the dispatch table (hash) as a data reference. Next, the target hash key is accepted as $call. Finally, any arguments needed by the dispatch table are passed through in @arg_list. if the dispatch table has a name => key the value will be used in any confessed error message.

    Returns: defined by the dispatch (hash) table



The module uses Smart::Comments if the '-ENV' option is set. The 'use' is encapsulated in an 'if' block triggered by an environmental variable to comfort non-believers. Setting the variable $ENV{Smart_Comments} will load and turn on smart comment reporting for this role. There are three levels of 'Smartness' available in this module '### #### #####'.




Jed Lund


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.

This software is copyrighted (c) 2013 by Jed Lund.
