RRDTool::Creator - Creators for round robin databases (RRD)


RRDTool::Creator - A generic abstract creator for round robin databases (RRD)

RRDTool::Creator::HourPDP - creates a RRD with a default archive of primary points for an hour

RRDTool::Creator::DayPDP - creates a RRD with a default archive of primary points for a day

RRDTool::Creator::WeekPDP - creates a RRD with a default archive of primary points for a week

RRDTool::Creator::MonthPDP - creates a RRD with a default archive of primary points for a month

RRDTool::Creator::QuarterPDP - creates a RRD with a default archive of primary points for a quarter

RRDTool::Creator::YearPDP - creates a RRD with a default archive of primary points for a year


use RRDTool::Creator::DayPDP ;

# make a creator
$creator = new RRDTool::Creator::DayPDP(-step => "30mn") ; 

# add data sources in the specifications of the RRD
          -ds_name => "cpu"
          , -DST => "GAUGE"
          , -min => 0
          , -max => 100
          ) ;

          -ds_name => "swap"
          , -DST => "GAUGE"
          ) ;

# add archives in the specifications of the RRD
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "week") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "month") ;

# add some consolidation functions in the specifications of the RRD
$creator->add(-CF => "MAX") ;
$creator->add(-CF => "AVERAGE") ;

# create the RRD file
$creator->create(-filename => "/var/rrdtool/vmstat.rrd") ;


The RRDTool::Creator objects are specific creators for different kind of RRD files. They are based on the Round Robin Database Tool ( and on the Perl Module RRDTool::OO.


RRDTool::Creator tries to be compatible with both the official RRDTool documentation and the RRDTool::OO module. It is why some functions and some arguments have two possible names (in this case, the main name is conform to the official documentation and the auxiliary one is for compatibility with the RRDTool::OO module).


add_DS (auxiliary name: add_data_source)

Add a data source in the RRD specifications. Its arguments are :

ds_name (auxiliary name: name)

(mandatory) the name of the data source.

DST (auxiliary name: type)

(mandatory) the data source type : GAUGE, COUNTER, DERIVE or ABSOLUTE (see


(optionnal) maximum number of seconds that may pass between two updates of this data source before the value of the data source is assumed to be *UNKNOWN*. Default is 2*step.


(optionnal) Expected minimun value for data supplied by a data source. Any value outside the defined range will be regarded as *UNKNOWN*. Default is "U" for unknown.


(optionnal) Expected maximun value for data supplied by a data source. Any value outside the defined range will be regarded as *UNKNOWN*. Default is "U" for unknown.

add_compute_DS (not yet implemented)

Add a data source with computed primary data points (it is a DS with DST equal to COMPUTE) in the RRD specifications. Its arguments are :

ds_name (auxiliary name: name)

(mandatory) the name of the data source.


(mandatory) RPN expression that defines formula to compute PDP of this DS.

add_RRA (auxiliary name: add_archive)

Add a round robin archive in the RRD specifications.


(mandatory) The duration of the archive. Possible values are : "day", "week", "month", "quarter" and "year".


(optionnal) The xfiles factor (see <>)


Add some global attributes in the RRD specifications.

CF (auxiliary name: cfunc)

Add a consolidation function (AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, LAST... - see <>), for each RRA (except the default RRA) in the RRD specifications.


Compute the argument for the function 'create' of the underlaying RRDTool::OO object. Return this argument.


Create the RRD on the disk.

filename (auxiliary name: file)

(mandatory) The name of the file to create.


(optionnal) The argument passed to the function create of the underlaying RRDTool::OO object. If this argument isn't provided, its value is compiled from the current stored data.


Each sub-objects of RRDTool::Creator creates a RRD with one default archive (RRA) made of primary data points (PDP). More RAA can then be added. The constructor neads an argument named 'step' which is the period of acquisition. The time unit of the step depends of the sub-object.


The default RRA stores primary data points for an hour. More RRA can be added for a day, a week, a month, a quarter and a year. The created RRD is for an acquisition period much less than an hour, typically about some seconds or a few minutes. So, the step unit for its constructor argument is second(s) or minute(mn).

$creator = new RRDTool::Creator::HourPDP(-step => "30s") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "day") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "week") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "month") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "quarter") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "year") ;


The default RRA stores primary data points for a day. More RRA can be added for a week, a month, a quarter and a year. The created RRD is for an acquisition period much less than a day, typically about some minutes or a few hours. So, the natural step units for its constructor argument are the minute(mn) and hour(h), although second(s) is allowed.

$creator = RRDTool::Creator::DayPDP(-step => "10mn") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "week") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "month") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "quarter") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "year") ;


The default RRA stores primary data points for a week. More RRA can be added for a month, a quarter and a year. The created RRD is for an acquisition period much less than a week, typically about some hours. So, the natural step unit for its constructor argument is the hour(h), although second(s), minute(mn) and day(d) are allowed.

$creator = RRDTool::Creator::WeekPDP(-step => "4h") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "month") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "quarter") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "year") ;


The default RRA stores primary data points for a month. More RRA can be added for a quarter and a year. The created RRD is for an acquisition period much less than a month, typically about some hours or a few days. So, the natural step unit for its constructor argument are hour(h) and day(d), although second(s), minute(m) and week(w) are allowed.

$creator = RRDTool::Creator::MonthPDP(-step => "1d") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "quarter") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "year") ;


The default RRA stores primary data points for a quarter. More RRA can be added for a year. The created RRD is for an acquisition period much less than a quarter, typically about some days or a few weeks. So, the natural step unit for its constructor argument are day(d) and week(w), although second(s), minute(m), hour(h) and month(m) are allowed.

$creator = RRDTool::Creator::QuarterPDP(-step => "3d") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "year") ;


The default RRA stores primary data points for a year. No more RRA can be added. The created RRD is for an acquisition period much less than a year, typically about some days, a few weeks or months. So, the natural step unit for its constructor argument are day(d), week(w) and month(m), although second(s), minute(m), hour(h) and quarter(q) are allowed.

$creator = RRDTool::Creator::YearPDP(-step => "1w") ;



To create a RRD to store percent cpu load and swap use, gathering every 10mn, with the aim of graphing average and max values daily, weekly, monthly and yearly :

$creator = new RRDTool::Creator::DayPDP(-step => "10mn") ;
            -ds_name => "cpu"
            , -DST => "GAUGE"
            , -min => 0
            , -max => 100
            ) ;
            -ds_name => "swap"
            , -DST => "GAUGE"
            , -min => 0
            ) ;
$creator->add(-CF => "AVERAGE") ;
$creator->add(-CF => "MAX") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "week") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "month") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "year") ;
$creator->create(-filename => "vmstat.rrd") ;


To create a RRD to store number of spams and total mails received every days, with the aim of graphing average and max values quarterly and yearly :

$creator = new RRDTool::Creator::QuarterPDP(-step => "1d") ;
            -ds_name => "spams"
            , -DST => "GAUGE"
            , -min => 0
            ) ;
            -ds_name => "mails"
            , -DST => "GAUGE"
            , -min => 0
            ) ;
$creator->add(-CF => "AVERAGE") ;
$creator->add(-CF => "MAX") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "year") ;
$creator->create(-filename => "mail.rrd") ;


To create a RRD to store disk usage every 4 hours, with the aim of graphing max values weekly and yearly :

$creator = new RRDTool::Creator::WeekPDP(-step => "4h") ;
            -ds_name => "/home"
            , -DST => "GAUGE"
            , -min => 0
            , -max => 100
            ) ;
            -ds_name => "/var"
            , -DST => "GAUGE"
            , -min => 0
            , -max => 100
            ) ;
$creator->add(-CF => "MAX") ;
$creator->add_RRA(-duration => "year") ;
$creator->create(-filename => "df.rrd") ;


Jacquelin Charbonnel, <jacquelin.charbonnel at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-RRDTool-Creator at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc RRDTool-Creator

You can also look for information at:


Copyright Jacquelin Charbonnel < jacquelin.charbonnel at >

This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL "".

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