Text::Scan - Fast search for very large numbers of keys in a body of text.


use Text::Scan;

$dict = new Text::Scan;

%terms = ( dog  => 'canine',
           bear => 'ursine',
           pig  => 'porcine' );

# load the dictionary with keys and values
# (values can be any scalar, keys must be strings)
while( ($key, $val) = each %terms ){
	$dict->insert( $key, $val );

# Scan a document for matches
%found = $dict->scan( $document );

# Or, if you need to count number of occurrences of any given 
# key, use an array. This will give you a countable flat list
# of key => value pairs.
@found = $dict->scan( $document );

# Check for membership ($val is true)
$val = $dict->has('pig');

# Retrieve all keys
@keys = $dict->keys();


This module provides facilities for fast searching on arbitrarily long texts with arbitrarily many search keys. The basic object behaves somewhat like a perl hash, except that you can retrieve based on a superstring of any keys stored. Simply scan a string as shown above and you will get back a perl hash (or list) of all keys found in the string (along with associated values). Longest/first order is observed (as in perl regular expressions).

IMPORTANT: As of this version, a single space is used as a delimiter for purposes of recognizing key boundaries. That's right, there is a bias in favor of processing natural language! In other words, if 'my dog' is a key and 'my dogs bite' is the text, 'my dog' will not be recognized. I plan to make this more configurable in the future, to have a different delimiter or none at all. For now, recognize that the key 'drunk' will not be found in the text 'gedrunk' or 'drunken' (or 'drunk.' for that matter). Properly tokenizing your corpus is essential. I know there is probably a better solution to the problem of substrings, and if anyone has suggestions, by all means contact me.


Except for the actual scanning part, plus the node-rotation for self-adjusting optimization, this code is heavily borrowed from both Bentley & Sedgwick and Leon Brocard's additions to it for Tree::Ternary_XS.

Many test scripts come directly from Rogaski's Tree::Ternary module.

The C code interface was created using Ingerson's Inline.


Bentley & Sedgwick "Fast Algorithms for Sorting and Searching Strings", Proceedings ACM-SIAM (1997)

Bentley & Sedgewick "Ternary Search Trees", Dr Dobbs Journal (1998)

Sleator & Tarjan "Self-Adjusting Binary Search Trees", Journal of the ACM (1985)





Copyright 2001 Ira Woodhead, H5 Technologies. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself


Ira Woodhead,