Net::Axigen - Perl extension for Gecad Technologies Axigen Mail Server ( This module use Axigen CLI interface.
Module Net::Axigen is intended for creation and removal of domains, accounts, handle of quotas, and also execution of other necessary operations on handle of a Gecad Technologies Axigen Mail Server.
Operation with a mail server is carried out by means of Telnet protocol with Net::Telnet module usage.
Note: Gecad Technologies do not offer support and should not be contacted for support regarding the Perl module Net::Axigen. Gecad Technologies and the author of the Net::Axigen module do not take full responsibility in case of miss-usage of the Perl module or for any damage caused in this matter.
use Net::Axigen;
my $axi = Net::Axigen->new('', 7000, 'admin', 'password', 10);
my $rc=$axi->close();
Axigen Mail Server and OS version
my ($version_major, $version_minor, $version_revision)=$axi->get_version();
my ($os_version_full, $os_name, $os_version_platform)=$axi->get_os_version();
$axi->createDomain($domain, $postmaster_password, $maxFiles);
my $domain_list = $axi->listDomains();
foreach my $ptr(@$domain_list) { print "$ptr\n"; }
my $domain_info = $axi->listDomainsEx();
print "Domain \t\tUsed\tTotal\n";
foreach my $domain( sort keys %$domain_info)
print "$domain:\t".$domain_info->{ $domain }->{used}."\t".$domain_info->{ $domain }->{total}."\n";
my $account_list = $axi->listAccounts('');
foreach my $ptr(@$account_list) { print "$ptr\n"; }
$axi->addAccount($domain, $user, $password);
$axi->removeAccount($domain, $user);
$axi->setAccountContactData($domain, $user, $firstName, $lastName);
$axi->setQuotaLimitNotification($domain, $user, $notificationSubject, $notificationMsg);
$axi->setAccountPassword($domain, $user, $password);
my $quota =
maxAccounts => 10, # admin limits
maxAccountMessageSizeQuota => 200000, # admin limits
maxPublicFolderMessageSizeQuota => 300000, # admin limits
messageSize => 20000, # domain quota
totalMessageSize => 200000 # domain quota
$axi->setDomainQuotas($domain, $quota);
# $domain - the domain in which the account will be removed;
# $quota - quota hash ptr
Storage Files
Samples of usage of the Net::Axigem module are in folder Net-Axigen\samples
- new()
Instantiates a new instance of a Net::Axigen.
my $axi = Net::Axigen->new($host, $port, $user, $password, $timeout); # $host - Mail Server host # $port - CLI connection port # $user - CLI admin user # $password - admin password # $timeout - Telnet timeout
- connect()
Connect to Axigen Mail Server
- close()
Close Axigen Mail Server connection
my $rc=$axi->close();
- get_version()
Get Axigen mail Server Version
my ($version_major, $version_minor, $version_revision)=$axi->get_version();
- get_os_version()
Get OS Version
my ($os_version_full, $os_name, $os_version_platform)=$axi->get_os_version();
- listDomains()
List all domains, registered on Axigen Mail Server
my $domain_list = $axi->listDomains(); foreach my $ptr(@$domain_list) { print "$ptr\n"; }
- listDomainsEx()
List all domains, registered on Axigen Mail Server, get the total and used size
my $domain_info = $axi->listDomainsEx(); print "Domain \t\tUsed\tTotal\n"; foreach my $domain( sort keys %$domain_info) { print "$domain:\t".$domain_info->{ $domain }->{used}."\t".$domain_info->{ $domain }->{total}."\n"; }
- createDomain()
Create domain.
$axi->createDomain($domain, $postmaster_password, $maxFiles); # $domain - created domain name; # $postmaster_password - password for postmaster@domain account; # $maxFiles - Max quantity of domain storage files (filesize 256 Mbyte)
- registerDomain()
Register unregistered domain.
$axi->registerDomain($domain); # $domain - registered domain name;
- unregisterDomain()
Unregister domain.
$axi->unregisterDomain($domain); # $domain - unregistered domain name;
- setDomainQuotas()
Set domain quotas.
my $quota = { # Maximum quantity of mail boxes (admin limit) maxAccounts => 10, # The maximum size of mail boxes (admin limit) maxAccountMessageSizeQuota => 20000, # The maximum size of Public Folders (admin limit) maxPublicFolderMessageSizeQuota => 30000, # The maximum size mail messages (domain quota) messageSize => 20000, # The maximum size of mail boxes (domain quota) totalMessageSize => 200000 }; $axi->setDomainQuotas($domain, $quota); # $domain - the domain in which the account will be removed; # $quota - quota hash ptr
- setQuotaLimitNotification()
Set account quota limit notification - subject and message.
$axi->setQuotaLimitNotification($domain, $user, $firstName, $lastName); # $domain - the domain in which the account will be removed; # $user - account name; # $notificationSubject - subject; # $notificationMsg - message
- listAccounts()
List all domain accounts.
my $account_list = $axi->listAccounts(''); foreach my $ptr(@$account_list) { print "$ptr\n"; }
- addAccount()
Add account.
$axi->addAccount($domain, $user, $password); # $domain - the domain in which the account will be added; # $user - account name; # $password - account password
- removeAccount()
Remove account.
$axi->removeAccount($domain, $user); # $domain - the domain in which the account will be removed; # $user - account name
- setAccountContactData()
Set account contact data - first name, last name.
$axi->setAccountContactData($domain, $user, $firstName, $lastName); # $domain - the domain in which the account will be removed; # $user - account name; # $firstName - first name; # $lastName - last name
- setAccountPassword()
Set account password.
$axi->setAccountPassword($domain, $user, $password); # $domain - the domain in which the account will be removed; # $user - account name; # $password - new password
- setAccountWebMailLanguage()
Set account WebMail Language.
$axi->setAccountWebMailLanguage($domain, $user, $lang); # $domain - the domain in which the account will be removed; # $user - account name; # $lang - language
- saveConfig()
Save Axigen config file.
- compactAll()
Compact domain storage files.
- compactAllDomains()
Compact all domains storage files.
- to_utf8()
Convert to utf-8.
Gecad Technologies Axigen Mail Server Site:
Alexandre Frolov, <>
Copyright (C) 2009 by Alexandre Frolov
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 724:
=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 2 lines of content