Apache::UploadMeter - Apache module which implements an upload meter for form-based uploads
(in httpd.conf)
PerlLoadModule Apache::UploadMeter
<UploadMeter MyUploadMeter>
UploadForm /form.html
UploadHandler /perl/upload
UploadMeter /perl/meter
(in /form.html)
Apache::UploadMeter is a mod_perl module which implements a status-meter/progress-bar to show realtime progress of uploads done using a form with enctype=multipart/formdata.
The only changes needed to be made to existing pages and/or scripts is the replacement of the existing <FORM> tag, which is done automatically the a special directive <!--#uploadform--> instead of the existing <FORM> tag.
NOTE: To use this module, mod_perl MUST be built with StackedHandlers enabled.
Configuration is done in httpd.conf using <UploadMeter> sections which contain the URLs needed to manipulate each meter. Currently multiple meters are supported with the drawback that they must use distinct URLs (eg, you can't have 2 meters with the same UploadMeter path).
<UploadMeter MyMeter> Defines a new UploadMeter. The MyMeter parameter specifies a unique name for this uploadmeter. Currently, names are required and must be unique.
In a future version, if no name is given, a unique symbol will be generated for the meter.
Each UploadMeter section requires 3 sub-parameters
This should point to the URI on the server which contains the upload form with the special <!--#uploadform--> tag. Note that there should NOT be an opening <FORM> tag, but there SHOULD be a closing </FORM> tag on the HTML page.
This should point to the target (eg, ACTION) of the upload form. The target should already exist and do something useful.
This should point to an unused URI on the server. This URI will be used to provide the progress-meter window.
Beginning from version 0.99_01, this module is only compatible with Apache2/mod_perl2 Support for Apache 1.3.x is discontinued, as it's too damn complicated to configure in Apache 1.3.x This may change in the future, but I doubt it; servers are slowly but surely migrating from 1.3 to 2.x Maybe it's finally time for you to upgrade too.
Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Issac Goldstand <> - All rights reserved.
This library is free software. It can be redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.