PerlIO::via::Skip - PerlIO layer for skipping lines
use PerlIO::via::Skip;
$ENV{ viaSKIP} = { start=>'Fiat', end=>'Reno' };
open my $i ,'<:via(Skip)', 'cars' or die $!;
$ENV{ viaSKIP} = { start => 'Fiat' ,
end => undef ,
maxlines => 10 ,
after => 0 ,
skippatterns => [qw( a e )] ,
skipcomments => 1 ,
skipblanklines => 1 , }
open my $i ,'<:via(Skip)', 'cars' or die $!;
This module implements a PerlIO layer that discards lines from IO streams. By default, all lines are accepted and passed-through as if no filters are present. Input filters discard input lines, and output filters discard output lines; therefore, input lines (that meet user's criteria) are excluded from input, and in a similar manner when specified, output lines are omitted from output.
The code is re-entrant. Multiple filters can be
stacked together without interfering with one another.
These filters were designed for read, write, and append handles
( 'r', 'w', 'a'), but will refuse installation
for read-write mode.
In order to stay re-entrant, configuration is done by setting the global variable $ENV{viaSKIP} . While other PerlIO modules are usually configured via class variables through import(), I choose to sacrifice pretty syntax for data integrity. During the call to open(), or during binmode(), the filter reads its configuration from the $ENV{viaSKIP} variable; since this is a dynamic value, you probably want to change it before the open(), or binmode() if other filters should read a different configurations.
The env variable 'viaSKIP' takes the form of a hash reference.
For example: $ENV{ viaSKIP } = { maxlines=> 10, start=>'apple' };
Where 'maxlines', and 'start' are configuration parameters. Here are all the parameters that allow you to alter the characteristics of the filter:
maxlines limit the maximum number of input (or output) lines
skippatterns skip lines containing one of these patterns
skipblanklines skip whitespace lines
skipcomments skip lines with (leading) comments
start Start a bipolar vibrator. Skip leading lines
until a certain pattern
end End a bipolar vibrator. Skip remaining lines
after a certain pattern.
after Used with a bipolar vibrator. Skip more leading lines,
after you find the start pattern.
None by default.
Consult the documentation of the range operator, when in scalar context for a description on how the bipolar vibrator operates. Note, however, that in this implementation the bipolar is designed for only full one cycle. (Will need to change the range operator from a a m?? regex to a m// regex if you need infinite cycles.)
Ioannis Tambouras <>
Copyright (C) 2005 by Ioannis Tambouras
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.