Changes for version 2.030508

  • New patch diff-2.5.0-exceptions for exception handling. => Failed 16/82 test programs. 151/1304 subtests failed. Support this model of exception handling in _Sverrdie(), math_pari_handle_exception() and init code. Align also the new 3-line format of error messages; remove trailing '\n' and '.' if present. Auto-patch on v2.5.* (unsupported!!! only partially working on 2.5.0). README was missing the copyright section. Auto-patching was not working with `pari_tgz'. Allow version-spec in the table of patches to contain trailing *. Patch all sub-versions of 2.3.* the same as 2.3.5 (untested). Error in build of pari.desc was not detected on Windows. Extra arguments added to build_funclist() etc. (used during build). pari.desc needs to be built differently on 2.5.0. The script gen_members is not used for build on 2.5.0. More clear message about “failed patches (if any)” put into .perl.patches. => 55_linear.t crashes in vecsort([[1,8,5],[2,5,8],[3,6,-6],[4,8,6]],2); Failed 16/82 test programs. 150/1300 subtests failed.
  • XXX PARI lexical variables are not visible from Perl code (even if it is embedded). So when we convert Perl subroutine to an inline closure, we need only the explicit loop variables (of the smallest enclosing scope?) With one (the only present, except matrix()!), the code is (e.g., for sin(x) in void context) OCpushlex(-1) OCPrecreal OCcallgen2(ep) OCpop(1). Only matrix() takes two V’s. A few take VE etc (without “=”) Currently: the loop variables are globals.


Perl interface to PARI.
load Math::Pari with specified $primelimit and $initmem.
utility functions used during configuration of Math::Pari.

