Changes for version 1.11
- Removed Test::Dependencies test Updated dependencies in Build.PL Added documention in Orze module
A framework to automate the building of websites
Another static website generator
Superclass of all Orze::Drivers::
Create a page by copying a file
Create a photo gallery using Llgal
Create a RSS feed
Creates a subsection
Create a page using the Template module
Create a page by copying an image and making a thumbnail of it
Dynamically load Orze modules
Superclass of all Orze::Sources::
Simply load a file and make its content available in a variable
Load a Markdown file and render it as a html fragment using Text::Markdown.
Build a page tree, suitable for a menu
Load a text file and render it as a html fragment using Pandoc.
Load a Pod file and render it as a html fragment
Load a YAML file in a perl variable
- examples/empty/data/empty.css
- examples/empty/data/index
- examples/empty/empty.xml
- examples/empty/includes/TT2/footer
- examples/empty/includes/TT2/header
- examples/empty/includes/TT2/menu
- examples/empty/templates/TT2/index.html
- examples/empty/templates/TT2/photos.html
- examples/orchestre/data/bla
- examples/orchestre/includes/footer
- examples/orchestre/includes/header
- examples/orchestre/includes/menu
- examples/orchestre/orchestre.xml
- examples/orchestre/templates/index.html
- examples/orchestre/templates/logos/logoECL.png
- examples/orchestre/templates/logos/logoEM.png
- examples/orchestre/templates/logos/logoENSL.png
- examples/orchestre/templates/logos/logoENSLSH.png
- examples/orchestre/templates/orchestre-nomenu.css
- examples/orchestre/templates/orchestre.css