DBD::DB2 - DataBase Driver for DB2 UDB


DBD::DB2 is a Perl5 module which when used in conjunction with DBI allows Perl5 to communicate with IBM's DB2 Universal Database.

In the generic sense, most of the functionality provided by any of the available DBDs is accessed indirectly through the DBI.


use DBI;
use DBD::DB2::Constants;
use DBD::DB2;

$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:DB2:db_name", $username, $password);

See DBI for more information.



use DBI;
use DBD::DB2::Constants;
use DBD::DB2 qw($attrib_int $attrib_char $attrib_float
                $attrib_date $attrib_ts);

# an extraneous example of the syntax for creating a new
# attribute type
$attrib_dec = { %$attrib_int, 'Stype' => SQL_DECIMAL, 'Scale' => 2,
                                                      'Prec' => 31 };

#$DBI::dbi_debug=9; # increase the debug output

# Open a connection and set LongReadLen to maximum size of column
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:DB2:sample","","", { LongReadLen => 102400 } );
if (!defined($dbh)) { exit; }

# Note in the following sequence, that the statement contains
# no parameter markers, which makes the execution sequence
# just prepare and execute.
$stmt = "SELECT empno, photo_format FROM emp_photo WHERE
          photo_format = 'gif';";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt);


# $row[0] is the empno from the database and $row[1] is the
# image type.  In this case, the type will always be "gif".
$stmt = "SELECT picture FROM emp_photo WHERE empno = ? AND
            photo_format = ? ;" ;
# prepare statement, which contains two parameter markers
$pict_sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt);
while( @row = $sth->fetchrow ) {
  # create an output file named empno.type in the current directory
  open(OUTPUT,">$row[0].$row[1]") || die "Can't open $row[0].$row[1]";
  binmode OUTPUT;

  # use bind_param to tell the DB2 code where to find the variables
  # containing the values for the parameters.  Additionally,
  # tell DB2 how to convert a perl value to a DB2 value based
  # on the contents of the $attrib_* hash.  One bind_param
  # call per parameter per execution.

  # do a fetch to get the blob
  @row = $pict_sth->fetchrow;

  print OUTPUT $row[0];
  @row = "";

  # close the blob cursor
# redundantly close the blob cursor -- should be harmless
# close selection criteria cursor


DBD::DB2 supports the following methods of binding parameters:

For input-only parameters:
$rc = $sth->bind_param($p_num, $bind_value);
$rc = $sth->bind_param($p_num, $bind_value, $bind_type);
$rc = $sth->bind_param($p_num, $bind_value, \%attr);

For input/output, output or input by reference:
$rc = $sth->bind_param_inout($p_num, \$bind_value, $max_len);
$rc = $sth->bind_param_inout($p_num, \$bind_value, $max_len, $bind_type);
$rc = $sth->bind_param_inout($p_num, \$bind_value, $max_len, \%attr)


An attribute hash is a collection of information about particular types of data. Each attribute can be determined at compile time (see for a list of predefined attribute hashes), created at run time, or modified at run time.

The following attributes are supported by DBD::DB2:

Ctype         SQL_C_CHAR or SQL_C_BINARY
Stype         Synonym for Type
Prec          Size of column
Scale         Decimal digits

The easiest method of creating a new attribute hash is to change an existing hash:

$new_type = { %$existing_type, 'Stype' => SQL_"NewTYPE" };

or you can create a complete new type:

$attrib_char = { 'ParamT' => SQL_PARAM_INPUT,
                 'Ctype'  => SQL_C_CHAR,
                 'Stype'  => SQL_CHAR,
                 'Prec'   => 254,
                 'Scale'  => 0,

Attributes are not generally required as the statement will be "described" and appropriate values will be used. However, attributes are required under the following conditions:

- Database server does not support SQLDescribeParam:
    - DB2 for MVS, versions earlier than 5.1.2
    - DB2 for VM
    - DB2 for AS/400
- Statement is a CALL to an unregistered stored procedure
- You desire non-default behaviour such as:
    - binding a file directly to a LOB parameter
    - binding an output-only parameter

Even though attributes are not always required, providing them can improve performance as it may make the "describe" step unnecessary. Specifically, 'Stype' and 'Scale' must either be provided in the attributes or must be obtained automatically via SQLDescribeParam.

Parameter Type (Input, Ouput and Input/Output)

bind_param() can only be used for input-only parameters and therefore the ParamT attribute is ignored. bind_param_inout() assumes input/output but a parameter can be designated as input-only or output-only via ParamT in the attribute hash:




Note that the 'maxlen' value provided to bind_param_inout() must be large enough for all possible input values as well as output values.

Binding Input Values By Reference using bind_param_inout()

This function - despite its name - can also be used to bind an input parameter variable once to allow repeated execution without rebinding. Consider the following example using bind_param():

$sth->prepare( "INSERT INTO MYTABLE (INTCOL) VALUES(?)" );
  $int = ...;                  # get a new value
  $sth->bind_param( 1, $int ); # value set at bind time

Each iteration binds a new value. This can be made more efficient as follows:

$sth->prepare( "INSERT INTO MYTABLE (INTCOL) VALUES(?)" );
$sth->bind_param_inout( 1,
                        20, # 20 bytes is enough for any integer
                        { ParamT => SQL_PARAM_INPUT } );
  $input = ...     # set a new value
  $sth->execute(); # new value read at execution time

Note that since the variable is bound by reference, the input value is deferred until execute time unlike bind_param() where the value is copied at bind time. The 'maxlen' value must be big enough for all expected input values.

Binding a File to an Input LOB Parameter

A file can be bound directly to a LOB parameter by specifying the attribute:

File => 1

In this case the value passed to bind_param() is the file name.

This is only valid for input and only for LOB parameters. The following predefined attribute hashes have been provided for convenience:



The default value for LongReadLen is 32700, equivalent to the maximum size for SQL_LONG types. It only applies to fetched columns; it does not apply to output parameters. This option applies to the following column types:


To change the value, provide it in the connection attributes:

$dbh = DBI->connect( $db, $user, $pw, { LongReadLen => 100 } );

or set it at any time after connecting:

$dbh->{LongReadLen} = 100;


While LOB colums are fully supported by the normal methods of retrieving data, it can take a lot of memory as the whole LOB is retrieved at once (subject to the LongReadLen setting). An alternate method is to use:

$buf = $sth->blob_read( $field, $offset, $len );

This will return up to $len bytes from the given LOB field. 'undef' is returned when no more data is left to read. Despite the name this function works for all LOB types (BLOB, CLOB and DBCLOB). For maximum efficiency, set LongReadLen to 0 prior to execution so no LOB data is retrieved at all on the initial fetch (but remember that LongReadLen will affect all long fields).

The $offset parameter is currently ignored by DB2. Note that this function isn't officially documented in DBI yet so it is subject to change.