App::SMSCli - A Command Line Interface to send SMS messages to cellular phones, single or massively way.
Version 2.18
SMSCli is an interface developed by Hector Valverde that connects your computer to the servers of One-etere SMSTrend. You can send SMS from your personal computer or server easily.
Before use the program you must to sing up in SMSTrend and configure your login data as following:
$ sms config <username> <password> <message_type> <sender>
$ sms <option> [<arguments]
cancel <order_id> - Cancel a scheduled sms given an order id
config <username> <password> <message_type> <sender> - Set up your login data, and params for SMSTrend
credit - Show remaining credit
fsend <file> <message> [<sheduledDate> <order_id>] - Send a massive message to a file list (new), numbers must be separated by a new line
help - Show this text
history <fromDate> <toDate> - View sent messages between two dates
send <recipient> <message> [<scheduledDate> <order_id>] - Send a single sms
status <order_id> - View the status of a scheduled sms
<fromDate> - Date with format: yyyyMMddhhmmss
<login> - Your SMSTrend username
<message> - Message to send
<message_type> - GP or GS (depends on your account settings)
<order_id> - Id string for a given sms
<password> - Your SMSTrend password
<recipient> - A phone number to send the SMS, e.g.: +34610123456 or 0034605447804
<sender> - A phone number or alphanumeric short string only if message_type = GP
<scheduledDate> - Date with format: yyyyMMddhhmmss
<toDate> - Date with format: yyyyMMddhhmmss
- 1. Send a single message:
$ sms send +34610123456 "This is the message"
- 2. Scheduled a message for 25th June 2013 at 15:30:00 and identificate it with the name "hvSMS":
$ sms send +34610123456 "Happy birthday, Hector" 20130625153000 hvSMS
- 3. View the status of a scheduled SMS:
$ sms status hvSMS
- 4. Cancel a scheduled SMS:
$ sms cancel hvSMS
- 5. View your credit:
$ sms credit
- 6. View your message history between two dates:
$ sms history 20120625153000 20121125153000
If you find any bug, please, send an email to
You can find documentation for this module with the man command.
man sms
You can also look for information at GitHub:
Copyright 2012 Hector Valverde.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.