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fs::Promises - Promises interface to nonblocking file system operations


    use fs::Promises;
    use fs::Promises::Utils qw(await);

    # Fancy, but not really useful:
    my $fh = await +fs::Promises->open_promise($0);
    while ( my $line = await +fs::Promises->readline_promise($fh) ) {
        say $line;

    # Same thing but using the functional interface:
    use fs::Promises qw(open_promise readline_promise);
    my $fh = await open_promise($0);
    while ( my $line = await readline_promise($fh) ) {
        say $line;

    # Actuall async:
    use experimental 'signatures';
    use fs::Promises qw(open_promise readline_promise);
    use fs::Promises::Utils qw(p_while);
    await +open_promise($0)->then(sub ($fh) {
        return p_while { readline_promise($fh) } sub ($line) {
            say $line;

    # Reading four files in parallel:
    use experimental 'signatures';
    use AnyEvent::XSPromises qw(collect);
    use fs::Promises qw(open_promise readline_promise);
    use fs::Promises::Utils qw(await p_while);
    my $read_file = sub ($fh) {
        return p_while { readline_promise($fh) } sub ($line) {
            say $line;

    await +collect(


fs::Promises is a promises layer around AnyEvent::AIO. If your code is using promises, then you can use this module to do fs-based stuff in an asynchronous way.


In standard Perl land, syscalls like the ones exposed here generally have this interface:

    foo() or die "$!"

That is, you invoke the sycall, and it returns false if the underlaying operation failed, setting $ERRNO / $! in the process.

$! doesn't quite cut it for promises, because by the time your callback is invoked, it is entirely possible for something else to have run, which has now wiped $!.

So instead, all the interfaces here follow the same rough pattern:

    foo()->then(sub ($success_result) { ... })
         ->catch(sub ($errno)         { ... })

The real example:

        sub ($stat_results) {
            # $stat_results has the same 13-element list as 'stat()'
        sub ($errno) {
            my $e_num = 0 + $errno;
            my $e_str = "$errno";
            warn "stat($file) failed: '$e_str' ($e_num)";