Math::Rotation - Perl class to represent rotations


use Math::Rotation;
my $r = new Math::Rotation;  # Make a new unit rotation

# Make a rotation about the axis (0,1,0)
my $r2 = new Math::Rotation([0,1,0], 0.1);
my $r3 = new Math::Rotation(1, 2, 3, 4);

my $fromVector = [1,2,3];
my $toVector = [2,3,4];
my $r4 = new Math::Rotation($fromVector, $toVector);

my $r5 = $r2 * $r3;
my $r6 = ~$r5;


my $r = new Math::Rotation;                   # Make a new unit rotation.
my $r2 = new Math::Rotation(1,2,3,4);         # (x,y,z, angle)
my $r3 = new Math::Rotation([1,2,3],4);       # (axis, angle)
my $r3 = new Math::Rotation([1,2,3],[1,2,3]); # (fromVec, toVec)

my $r5 = new_from_quaternion Math::Rotation(new Math::Quaternion);
setX(x) Sets the first value of the axis vector
setY(y) Sets the second value of the axis vector
setZ(z) Sets the third value of the axis vector
setAxis(x,y,z) Sets axis of rotation from a 3 components @array.
setAngle(angle) Sets angle of rotation in radiants.
setAxisAngle(x,y,z, angle) Sets value of rotation from axis angle.
setQuaternion(Math::Quaternion) Sets value of rotation from a quaternion.
getX Returns the first value of the axis vector.
getX Returns the second value of the axis vector.
getX Returns the third value of the axis vector
getAxis Returns the axis of rotation as an @array.
getAngle Returns corresponding 3D rotation angle in radians.
getAxisAngle Returns corresponding 3D rotation (x, y, z, angle).
getQuaternion Returns corresponding Math::Quaternion.
inverse Returns a Math::Rotation object whose value is the inverse of this object's rotation.
multiply(Math::Rotation) Returns an Math::Rotation whose value is the object multiplied by the passed Math::Rotation.
multVec(x,y,z) Returns an @array whose value is the 3D vector (x,y,z) multiplied by the matrix corresponding to this object's rotation.
slerp(destRotation, t) Returns a Math::Rotation object whose value is the spherical linear interpolation between this object's rotation and destRotation at value 0 <= t <= 1. For t = 0, the value is this object's rotation. For t = 1, the value is destRotation.
stringify Returns a string representation of the rotation. This is used to overload the '""' operator, so that rotations may be freely interpolated in strings.
my $q = new Math::Rotation(1,2,3,4);
print $q->stringify;                # "1 2 3 4"
print "$q";                         # "1 2 3 4"

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