Changes for version 0.0.9_002 - 2015-04-09

  • fixes
    • [GH #42] [RT#103406] Test suite fails if LANG environment variable is unset (0.0.9_001)
    • [GH #41] [RT #103393] - YATT::Lite::Util::define_const
    • [GH #35] CGI->multi_param adaption
    • [GH #40] yatt.render / yatt.genperl relative path problems
    • [GH #38] - Add $CON->raw_body .. without tests(><)
    • [GH #37] - Fix test failures on LC_ALL=C
    • [GH #36] - to adapt recent mmm-mode
    • [GH #34] - Just added $this->SITE, $this->DIR. no tests.
    • [GH #32] - DirApp should inherit SiteApp
    • [GH #31] - samples/sess_backed/1 :att_value_of(radio,:name,:value,{in,:dict}) bug.
    • [GH #30] - to detect TAG mismatch for attribute element.
    • [GH #29] - to make error messages shorter for entity path syntax errors.

Changes for version 0.0.3_4 - 2012-05-04

  • Directory layout is totally changed. Previous runyatt.lib/YATT is current top directory.
  • Also, massive internal changes. class Web::* namespace is renamed to WebMVC0::*. Some options (eg. appns and baseclass) are changed.


Extended Header Fields (XHF) フォーマットの構文定義
Extended Header Fields (XHF) format.
perl プログラマー向け yatt 内部構造解説(日本語版)
programmer's guide for YATT
初めにお読み下さい (日本語版)
Introduction to YATT::Lite
or Modern use of and %FIELDS.
Perl Monger のための yatt (YATT::Lite) ガイド
yatt 構文マニュアル (日本語版)
yatt syntax manual


Template with "use strict"
Loader for YATT::Lite
fields for multiple inheritance.
fields based, Tcl/Tk like object
define inner types at compile time.
output buffer with request properties
PSGI Handler for yatt
Loader for XHF format
Serializer for XHF format


in Lite/
in Lite/
in Lite/CGen/
in Lite/
in Lite/
in Lite/
in Lite/
in Lite/
in Lite/
in Lite/
in Lite/LRXML/
in Lite/LRXML/
in Lite/LRXML/
in Lite/LRXML/
in Lite/
in Lite/
in Lite/
in Lite/
in Lite/
in Lite/Partial/
in Lite/Partial/
in Lite/Partial/
in Lite/
in Lite/Test/
in Lite/Test/
in Lite/Test/
in Lite/Test/
in Lite/Test/
in Lite/
in Lite/
in Lite/Util/
in Lite/Util/
in Lite/Util/
in Lite/Util/
in Lite/Util/
in Lite/Util/
in Lite/Util/
in Lite/
in Lite/
in Lite/
in Lite/
in Lite/WebMVC0/
in Lite/WebMVC0/DBSchema/
in Lite/WebMVC0/DBSchema/
in Lite/WebMVC0/
in Lite/WebMVC0/Partial/
in Lite/WebMVC0/Partial/
in Lite/WebMVC0/SiteApp/
in Lite/WebMVC0/SiteApp/
in Lite/WebMVC0/SiteApp/
in Lite/WebMVC0/SiteApp/
in Lite/WebMVC0/
in Lite/XHF/
