my $r = new Webservice::CRUST::Result->new($val, [$crust]);
Note that this object is generally only helpful when it is created by a WebService::CRUST call.
- string
The method used to stringify the object
If the value passed to new is a hash reference with a key called "CRUST__Result" then this module will look for keys called "args" and "href" and use them to construct a new request when that value is queried. For instance, assume this piece of XML is consumed by a WebService::CRUST object:
<book name="So Long and Thank For All The Fish">
<author CRUST__Result="GET">
<args first="Douglas" last="Adams" />
#crust->name; # Returns 'So Long and Thanks For All The Fish'
$crust->price; # Returns '$42.00'
$crust->author; # Returns the results of a CRUST GET request to
# http://someservice/author?first=Douglas&last=Adams
This is pretty useful when you are exposing a database and you want to be able to follow relations fairly easily.
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 116:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 120:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'