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    reader      => {class   => 'HTML::Robot::Scrapper::Reader::TestReader',
                    args    => {},                  },# or [] or any object
    writer      => {class   => 'HTML::Robot::Scrapper::Writer::TestWriter',
                    args    => {},                                       },
    benchmark   => {class   => 'Base',
                    args    => {},                                       },
    cache       => {class   => 'Base',
                    args    => {},                                       },
    log         => {class   => 'Base',
                    args    => {},                                       },
    parser      => {class   => 'Base',
                    args    => {},                                       },
    queue       => {class   => 'Base',
                    args    => {},                                       },
    useragent   => {class   => 'Base',
                    args    => {},                                       },

before 'start'

- give access to this class inside other custom classes


HTML::Robot::Scrapper - Your robot to parse webpages


First off, the site for this bot answers with content type text/plain and by default


handles only text/html and text/xml

So i need to add an extra option for text/plain and tell it to use

the same method that already parses text/html, here is an example:

* im using the original as base class for this:


Here i will redefine that class and tell my $robot to favor it

package WWW::Tabela::Fipe::Parser;
use Moose;


sub content_types {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    return {
        'text/html' => [
                parse_method => 'parse_xpath',
                description => q{
                  The method above 'parse_xpath' is inside class:
                  These content type related methods will be called inside:
                    HTML::Robot::Scrapper::UserAgent::Default around:
                      $robot->parser->engine->$parse_method( $robot, $self->content )

        'text/plain' => [
                parse_method => 'parse_xpath',
                description => q{
                    Here i define which prase_method will treat the page content. 
                    Based on content type for that page. I tell it to use the 
                    same method its using to parse html... because i know in this
                    case text/plain should be text/html instead.
        'text/xml' => [
                parse_method => 'parse_xml'


package FIPE;

use HTML::Robot::Scrapper;
#   use CHI;
use HTTP::Tiny;
use HTTP::CookieJar;

my $robot = HTML::Robot::Scrapper->new (
    reader => { # REQ
        class => 'WWW::Tabela::Fipe',
    writer => {class => 'WWW::Tabela::FipeWrite',}, #REQ
    benchmark => {class => 'Default'},
#   cache => {
#     class => 'Default',
#     args => {
#         is_active => 0,
#         engine => CHI->new(
#             driver => 'BerkeleyDB',
#             root_dir => "/home/catalyst/WWW-Tabela-Fipe/cache/",
#         ),
#     },
#   },
    log => {class => 'Default'},
    parser => {class => 'WWW::Tabela::Fipe::Parser'}, #custom for tb fipe. because they reply with text/plain content type
    queue => {class => 'Default'},
    useragent => {
        class => 'Default',
        args => {
            ua => HTTP::Tiny->new( cookie_jar => HTTP::CookieJar->new),
    encoding => {class => 'Default'},



This cralwer has been created to be extensible.

For example, after making a request call ( HTML::Robot::Scrapper::UserAgent::Default )

it will need to parse data.. and will use the response content type to parse that data

by default the class that handles that is:

package HTML::Robot::Scrapper::Parser::Default;
use Moose;

with('HTML::Robot::Scrapper::Parser::HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath'); #gives parse_xpath
with('HTML::Robot::Scrapper::Parser::XML::XPath'); #gives parse_xml

sub content_types {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    return {
        'text/html' => [
                parse_method => 'parse_xpath',
                description => q{
The method above 'parse_xpath' is inside class:
        'text/xml' => [
                parse_method => 'parse_xml'


Another example is the Queue system, it has an api: HTML::Robot::Scrapper::Queue::Base and by default

uses: HTML::Robot::Scrapper::Queue::Array which works fine for 1 local instance. However, lets say i want a REDIS queue, so i could

implement HTML::Robot::Scrapper::Queue::Redis and make the crawler access a remote queue.. this way i can share a queue between many crawlers independently.

Just so you guys know, i have a redis module almost ready, it needs litle refactoring because its from another personal project. It will be released asap when i got time.

So, if that does not fit you, or you want something else to handle those content types, just create a new class and pass it on to the HTML::Robot::Scrapper constructor. ie:

see the SYNOPSIS

By default it uses HTTP Tiny and useragent related stuff is in:


Project Status

The crawling works as expected, and works great. And the api will not change probably.


Implement the REDIS Queue to give as option for the Array queue. Array queue runs local/per instance.. and the redis queue can be shared and accessed by multiple machines!

Still need to implement the Log, proper Benchmark with subroutine tree and timing.

Allow parameters to be passed in to UserAgent (HTTP::Tiny on this case)

Better tests and docs.

Example 1 - Append some urls and extract some data

On this first example, it shows how to make a simple crawler... by simple i mean simple GET requests following urls... and grabbing some data.

package HTML::Robot::Scrapper::Reader::TestReader;
use Moose;
with 'HTML::Robot::Scrapper::Reader';
use Data::Printer;
use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex);

## The commented stuff is useful as example

has startpage => (
    is => 'rw',
    default => sub { return ''} ,

has array_of_data => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { return []; } );

has counter => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { return 0; } );

sub on_start {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    $self->append( search => $self->startpage );
    $self->append( search => '' ); 
    $self->append( search => '' );
    $self->append( search => '' );

sub search {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my $title = $self->robot->parser->engine->tree->findvalue( '//title' );
    my $h1 = $self->robot->parser->engine->tree->findvalue( '//h1' );
    warn $title;
    warn p $self->robot->useragent->url ;
    push( @{ $self->array_of_data } , 
        { title => $title, url => $self->robot->useragent->url, h1 => $h1 } 

sub on_link {
    my ( $self, $url ) = @_;
    return if $self->counter( $self->counter + 1 ) > 3;
    if ( $url =~ m{^}ig ) {
        $self->prepend( search => $url ); #  append url on end of list

sub detail {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

sub on_finish {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    $self->robot->writer->save_data( $self->array_of_data );


Example 2 - Tabela FIPE ( append custom request calls )

See the working version at:

This example show an asp website that has those '__EVENTVALIDATION' and '__VIEWSTATE' which must be sent back again on each request... here is the example of such crawler for such website...

This example also demonstrates how one could easily login into a website and crawl it also.

package WWW::Tabela::Fipe;
use Moose;
with 'HTML::Robot::Scrapper::Reader';
use Data::Printer;
use utf8;
use HTML::Entities;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);

has [ qw/marcas viewstate eventvalidation/ ] => ( is => 'rw' );

has veiculos => ( is => 'rw' , default => sub { return []; });
has referer => ( is => 'rw' );

sub start {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

has startpage => (
    is => 'rw',
    default => sub {
        return [
            tipo => 'moto',
            url => ''
            tipo => 'carro',
            url => ''
            tipo => 'caminhao',
            url => ''

sub on_start {
  my ( $self ) = @_;
  foreach my $item ( @{ $self->startpage } ) {
    $self->append( search => $item->{ url }, {
        passed_key_values => {
            tipo => $item->{ tipo },
            referer => $item->{ url },
    } );

sub _headers {
    my ( $self , $url, $form ) = @_;
    return {
      'Accept' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
      'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip, deflate',
      'Accept-Language' => 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
      'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache',
      'Connection' => 'keep-alive',
      'Content-Length' => length( POST('url...', [], Content => $form)->content ),
      'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8',
      'DNT' => '1',
      'Host' => '',
      'Pragma' => 'no-cache',
      'Referer' => $url,
      'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0',
      'X-MicrosoftAjax' => 'Delta=true',

sub _form {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;
    return [
      ScriptManager1 => $args->{ script_manager },
      __ASYNCPOST => 'true',
      __EVENTARGUMENT => '',
      __EVENTTARGET => $args->{ event_target },
      __EVENTVALIDATION => $args->{ event_validation },
      __LASTFOCUS => '',
      __VIEWSTATE => $args->{ viewstate },
      ddlAnoValor => ( !exists $args->{ano} ) ? 0 : $args->{ ano },
      ddlMarca => ( !exists $args->{marca} ) ? 0 : $args->{ marca },
      ddlModelo => ( !exists $args->{modelo} ) ? 0 : $args->{ modelo },
      ddlTabelaReferencia => 154,
      txtCodFipe => '',

sub search {
  my ( $self ) = @_;
  my $marcas = $self->tree->findnodes( '//select[@name="ddlMarca"]/option' );
  my $viewstate = $self->tree->findnodes( '//form[@id="form1"]//input[@id="__VIEWSTATE"]' )->get_node->attr('value');
  my $event_validation = $self->tree->findnodes( '//form[@id="form1"]//input[@id="__EVENTVALIDATION"]' )->get_node->attr('value');
  foreach my $marca ( $marcas->get_nodelist ) {
    my $form = $self->_form( {
        script_manager => 'UdtMarca|ddlMarca',
        event_target => 'ddlMarca',
        event_validation=> $event_validation,
        viewstate => $viewstate,
        marca => $marca->attr( 'value' ),
    } );
    $self->prepend( busca_marca => 'url' , {
      passed_key_values => {
          marca => $marca->as_text,
          marca_id => $marca->attr( 'value' ),
          tipo => $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ tipo },
          referer => $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{referer },
      request => [
        $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ referer },
          headers => $self->_headers( $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ referer } , $form ),
          content => POST('url...', [], Content => $form)->content,
    } );

sub busca_marca {
  my ( $self ) = @_;
  my ( $captura1, $viewstate ) = $self->robot->useragent->content =~ m/hiddenField\|__EVENTTARGET(.+)__VIEWSTATE\|([^\|]+)\|/g;
  my ( $captura_1, $event_validation ) = $self->robot->useragent->content =~ m/hiddenField\|__EVENTTARGET(.+)__EVENTVALIDATION\|([^\|]+)\|/g;
  my $modelos = $self->tree->findnodes( '//select[@name="ddlModelo"]/option' );
  foreach my $modelo ( $modelos->get_nodelist ) {

    next unless $modelo->as_text !~ m/selecione/ig;
    my $kv={};
    $kv->{ modelo_id } = $modelo->attr( 'value' );
    $kv->{ modelo } = $modelo->as_text;
    $kv->{ marca_id } = $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ marca_id };
    $kv->{ marca } = $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ marca };
    $kv->{ tipo } = $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ tipo };
    $kv->{ referer } = $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ referer };
    my $form = $self->_form( {
        script_manager => 'updModelo|ddlModelo',
        event_target => 'ddlModelo',
        event_validation=> $event_validation,
        viewstate => $viewstate,
        marca => $kv->{ marca_id },
        modelo => $kv->{ modelo_id },
    } );
    $self->prepend( busca_modelo => '', {
      passed_key_values => $kv,
      request => [
        $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ referer },
          headers => $self->_headers( $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ referer } , $form ),
          content => POST( 'url...', [], Content => $form )->content,
    } );

sub busca_modelo {
  my ( $self ) = @_;
  my $anos = $self->tree->findnodes( '//select[@name="ddlAnoValor"]/option' );
  foreach my $ano ( $anos->get_nodelist ) {
    my $kv = {};
    $kv->{ ano_id } = $ano->attr( 'value' );
    $kv->{ ano } = $ano->as_text;
    $kv->{ modelo_id } = $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ modelo_id };
    $kv->{ modelo } = $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ modelo };
    $kv->{ marca_id } = $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ marca_id };
    $kv->{ marca } = $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ marca };
    $kv->{ tipo } = $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ tipo };
    $kv->{ referer } = $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ referer };
    next unless $ano->as_text !~ m/selecione/ig;

    my ( $captura1, $viewstate ) = $self->robot->useragent->content =~ m/hiddenField\|__EVENTTARGET(.*)__VIEWSTATE\|([^\|]+)\|/g;
    my ( $captura_1, $event_validation ) = $self->robot->useragent->content =~ m/hiddenField\|__EVENTTARGET(.*)__EVENTVALIDATION\|([^\|]+)\|/g;
    my $form = $self->_form( {
        script_manager => 'updAnoValor|ddlAnoValor',
        event_target => 'ddlAnoValor',
        event_validation=> $event_validation,
        viewstate => $viewstate,
        marca => $kv->{ marca_id },
        modelo => $kv->{ modelo_id },
        ano => $kv->{ ano_id },
    } );

    $self->prepend( busca_ano => '', {
      passed_key_values => $kv,
      request => [
        $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ referer },
          headers => $self->_headers( $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ referer } , $form ),
          content => POST( 'url...', [], Content => $form )->content,
    } );

sub busca_ano {
  my ( $self ) = @_;
  my $item = {};
  $item->{ mes_referencia } = $self->tree->findvalue('//span[@id="lblReferencia"]') ;
  $item->{ cod_fipe } = $self->tree->findvalue('//span[@id="lblCodFipe"]');
  $item->{ marca } = $self->tree->findvalue('//span[@id="lblMarca"]');
  $item->{ modelo } = $self->tree->findvalue('//span[@id="lblModelo"]');
  $item->{ ano } = $self->tree->findvalue('//span[@id="lblAnoModelo"]');
  $item->{ preco } = $self->tree->findvalue('//span[@id="lblValor"]');
  $item->{ data } = $self->tree->findvalue('//span[@id="lblData"]');
  $item->{ tipo } = $self->robot->reader->passed_key_values->{ tipo } ;
  warn p $item;

  push( @{$self->veiculos}, $item );

sub on_link {
    my ( $self, $url ) = @_;

sub on_finish {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    warn "Terminou.... exportando dados.........";
    $self->robot->writer->write( $self->veiculos );



Hernan Lopes
perldelux / movimentoperl


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.

