Changes for version 0.02 - 2012-12-04

  • added age() method to Queue:Q::ReliableFIFO::Redis


Mix-and-match Queue Implementations and Backends
FIFO queue keeping track of claimed items
An item in a 'ClaimFIFO' queue
In-memory Perl implementation of the ClaimFIFO queue
Very primitive FIFO queue
In-memory Perl implementation of the NaiveFIFO queue
In-memory Redis implementation of the NaiveFIFO queue
FIFO queue keeping track of claimed items
Command line interface to queues in Redis
Load lua scripts into Redis
In-memory Redis implementation of the ReliableFIFO queue


in lib/Queue/Q/ClaimFIFO/
in lib/Queue/Q/
in lib/Queue/Q/ReliableFIFO/