Tk::AppWindow::BaseClasses::ContentManager - baseclass for content handling
#This is useless
require Tk::AppWindow::BaseClasses::ContentManager;
my $handlerplug = $app->ContentManager->pack;
#This is what you should do
package MyContentHandler
use base qw(Tk::Derived Tk::AppWindow::BaseClasses::ContentManager);
Construct Tk::Widget 'MyContentHandler';
This is an opaque base class to help you create a content manager for your application.
It is Tk::Frame based and you can inherit it as a Tk mega widget;
The methods below are used by the extensions MDI and SDI. It is for you to make them do the right stuff by overriding them.
- -extension
Reference to the document interface extension (MDI, SDI or other) that is creating the content handler.
This option is mandatory!
- Close
In the current form it makes a call to doclear and returns 1. Override it to do the things neede to close your content. Return a boolean for succes or failure.
- CWidg(?$widget?)
Set or return the widget that is directly responsible for holding your content.
Do not override this.
- doClear
Override this to clear all content in your CWidg.
- doLoadI(<$file)>
Override this to load a file from disk. Make it return a boolean on succes or failure.
- doSaveI(<$file)>
Override this to save the content to disk. Make it return a boolean on succes or failure.
- doSelect
Override this to do what needs to be done when this content is selected.
- Extension
Returns a reference to the document interface (MDI, SDI or derivative).
Do not override this.
- IsModified
Override this for checking if the content has been modified.
- Load($file)
Makes a call to doLoad
- Save($file)
Makes a call to doSave
Hans Jeuken (hanje at cpan dot org)
Unknown. If you find any, please contact the author.