Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Daemons - Run background processes easily
my $app = new Tk::AppWindow(@options,
-extensions => ['Daemons'],
Easily run background jobs organized neatly system wide.
- -cycleinterval
Default value 10 miliseconds. This is the base interval for the Deamons system.
How often a job is executed is defined by their own interval parameter. The real interval time of a job is the base interval multiplied by the job interval.
- cyleActive
Returns true if one or more background jobs are running.
- cyleStart
Starts the job cycle unless it is running already.
- cyleStop
Stops the job cycle if it is running.
- jobAdd($name, $interval, @call)
Add the job $name unless it already exists. $interval specifies after how many cycles the job is executed. For details about @call see Tk::AppWindow::BaseClasses::Callback.
- jobExists($name)
Returns true if a job $name is currently running.
- jobGet($name)
Returns the job object of $name.
- jobList
Returns a list of running jobs.
- jobPause($name)
Pauses job $name.
- jobRemove($name)
Removes job $name.
- jobResume($name)
Resumes job $name
Hans Jeuken (hanje at cpan dot org)
Unknown. If you find any, please contact the author.