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Syntax::Kamelon::Syntaxes - List of available syntaxes


This is a list of all included syntax definition files in this release 0.23 of Syntax::Kamelon. Please note that the names may contain spaces.

--NAME--                                --VERSION--
G-Code                                  4
GLSL                                    3
PLY                                     2
POV-Ray                                 4
RenderMan RIB                           3
STL                                     2
VRML                                    4
Wavefront OBJ                           2
--NAME--                                --VERSION--
AVR Assembler                           3
Asm6502                                 2
GNU Assembler                           3
Intel x86 (FASM)                        1
Intel x86 (NASM)                        3
MIPS Assembler                          3
Motorola 68k (VASM/Devpac)              2
Motorola DSP56k                         2
PicAsm                                  3
--NAME--                                --VERSION--
.desktop                                2
Adblock Plus                            1
Apache Configuration                    3
Asterisk                                3
Cisco                                   2
Doxyfile                                1
Git Ignore                              2
Gitolite                                2
INI Files                               2
Kconfig                                 5
Nagios                                  2
QDoc Configuration                      1
TOML                                    5
Varnish 4 Configuration Language        2
Varnish 4 Test Case language            1
Varnish Configuration Language          2
Varnish Test Case language              1
WINE Config                             3
fstab                                   2
kdesrc-buildrc                          1
mergetag text                           2 Configuration                     2
--NAME--                                --VERSION--
4GL                                     2
4GL-PER                                 2
LDIF                                    2
SQL                                     3
SQL (MySQL)                             3
SQL (Oracle)                            4
SQL (PostgreSQL)                        5
progress                                3
--NAME--                                --VERSION--
AHDL                                    3
Spice                                   3
SystemC                                 2
SystemVerilog                           4
VHDL                                    3
Vera                                    4
Verilog                                 2
--NAME--                                --VERSION--
ASN.1                                   3
ASP                                     2
AppArmor Security Profile               3
BibTeX                                  2
CSS                                     4
CartoCSS                                1
CleanCSS                                2
ColdFusion                              3
ConTeXt                                 2
DTD                                     2
Django HTML Template                    3
Doxygen                                 5
DoxygenLua                              4
FTL                                     2
GNU Gettext                             5
GlossTex                                1
HTML                                    5
Haml                                    3
Hamlet                                  3
JSON                                    2
JSP                                     2
Javadoc                                 2
Jira                                    4
LESSCSS                                 3
LaTeX                                   5
MAB-DB                                  2
Mako                                    3
Markdown                                2
MediaWiki                               4
Metapost/Metafont                       1
Pango                                   2
PostScript                              2
PostScript Printer Description          2
Pug                                     3
R Markdown                              2
RELAX NG                                2
RelaxNG-Compact                         1
Restructured Text                       1.0
Rich Text Format                        2
Roff                                    2
Ruby/Rails/RHTML                        6
SCSS                                    4
SGML                                    2
SiSU                                    2
TT2                                     2
Texinfo                                 1
Textile                                 3
Troff Mandoc                            1
Wesnoth Markup Language                 1
XML                                     6
XML (Debug)                             3
XUL                                     2
YAML                                    3
YANG                                    1
reStructuredText                        3
txt2tags                                3
vCard, vCalendar, iCalendar             2
xslt                                    4
--NAME--                                --VERSION--
ABC                                     3
Alerts                                  5
Alerts_indent                           4
CMake                                   4
CSS/PHP                                 4
CUE Sheet                               1
ChangeLog                               3
Debian Changelog                        4
Debian Control                          1
Diff                                    3
Dockerfile                              6
Email                                   3
GDB Backtrace                           2
Git Rebase                              2
Hunspell Affix File                     2
Hunspell Dictionary File                1
Hunspell Thesaurus File                 1
Hunspell Thesaurus Index File           1
Intel HEX                               1
Jam                                     2
JavaScript/PHP                          2
LilyPond                                4
M3U                                     2
Makefile                                6
Meson                                   2
Modelines                               3
Music Publisher                         3
PGN                                     4
QMake                                   5
RPM Spec                                4
Tiger                                   1
Valgrind Suppression                    2
--NAME--                                --VERSION--
Ansys                                   3
B-Method                                1
FASTQ                                   2
GAP                                     2
GDL                                     2
Gnuplot                                 3
Magma                                   2
Mathematica                             9
Matlab                                  2
Maxima                                  3
Metamath                                1
Octave                                  2
R Script                                7
Replicode                               3
Stata                                   6
TI Basic                                2
dot                                     2
scilab                                  3
yacas                                   2
--NAME--                                --VERSION--
4DOS BatchToMemory                      3
AMPLE                                   3
AWK                                     1
AutoHotKey                              2
Bash                                    4
Chicken                                 3
CoffeeScript                            2
CubeScript                              1
Erlang                                  3
Euphoria                                4
GNU Linker Script                       2
J                                       2
JavaScript                              6
LSL                                     3
Lua                                     2
MEL                                     3
MS-DOS Batch                            1
Mason                                   2
NSIS                                    3
PHP (HTML)                              5
PHP/PHP                                 7
Perl                                    4
Pig                                     6
Pike                                    2
PowerShell                              2
Praat                                   2
Puppet                                  5
Python                                  4
QML                                     4
Quake Script                            2
REXX                                    2
Ruby                                    5
Scheme                                  4
Sieve                                   6
TaskJuggler                             4
Tcl/Tk                                  3
Tcsh                                    1
UnrealScript                            1
Velocity                                2
Xonotic Script                          1
Zsh                                     2
ferite                                  2
k                                       3
q                                       3
sed                                     2
--NAME--                                --VERSION--
ABAP                                    2
ANS-Forth94                             3
ANSI C89                                4
ActionScript 2.0                        2
Ada                                     2
Agda                                    2
Bitbake                                 4
Boo                                     2
C                                       3
C#                                      2
C++                                     5
C++/Qt4                                 1.2
CGiS                                    2
Cg                                      3
Clipper                                 3
Clojure                                 8
Common Lisp                             5
Component-Pascal                        2
Crack                                   3
Curry                                   1
D                                       2
E Language                              2
Eiffel                                  2
Elixir                                  2
FSharp                                  3
Fortran                                 2
FreeBASIC                               2
GCCExtensions                           1
GNU M4                                  2
Go                                      3
Groovy                                  3
Haskell                                 9
Haxe                                    2
IDL                                     2
ILERPG                                  3
ISO C++                                 10
Inform                                  2
Java                                    3
Julia                                   3
KBasic                                  2
KDev-PG[-Qt                             2
Kotlin                                  2
LPC                                     1
Lex/Flex                                2
Literate Curry                          2
Literate Haskell                        4
Logtalk                                 2
Modelica                                6
Modula-2                                2
MonoBasic                               3
Nemerle                                 1
OORS                                    2
OPAL                                    2
Objective Caml                          6
Objective Caml Ocamllex                 3
Objective Caml Ocamlyacc                3
Objective-C                             2
Objective-C++                           2
OpenCL                                  2
PL/I                                    2
Pascal                                  2
Pony                                    1
Prolog                                  5
Protobuf                                4
PureBasic                               6
RSI IDL                                 2
RapidQ                                  2
Rust                                    4
SML                                     2
Sather                                  2
Scala                                   4
TADS 3                                  3
Vala                                    3
Varnish 3 module spec file              1
Varnish 4 module spec file              1
Yacc/Bison                              3
Zonnon                                  2
nesC                                    2
noweb                                   2
xHarbour                                2


This document is written and maintained by:

Hans Jeuken < hanje at cpan dot org >

Copyright (c) 2017 -2023 by Hans Jeuken, all rights reserved.

Published under the same license as Perl.


Syntax::Kamelon, Syntax::Kamelon::Builder, Syntax::Kamelon::Debugger, Syntax::Kamelon::Diagnostics, Syntax::Kamelon::XMLData, Syntax::Kamelon::Format::Base, Syntax::Kamelon::Format::ANSI, Syntax::Kamelon::Format:HTML4