Bot::Net::Mixin::Server::IRC - mixin class for building IRC servers
# Build a basic, no-frills IRC server
use strict;
use warnings;
package MyBotNet::Server::Main;
use Bot::Net::Server;
use Bot::Net::Mixin::Server::IRC;
This is the mixin-class for Bot::Net IRC servers. By using this class you create an IRC daemon:
use Bot::Net::Server; # define common Bot::Net server features
use Bot::Net::Mixin::Server::IRC; # we're an IRC server
Setup a new IRC server.
default_configuration PACKAGE
Returns a base configuration for an IRC server daemon.
on _start
At startup, this hanlder loads the information stored in the configuration file and configures the IRC daemon.
on install_auth_configuration
Called by "on _start" to configure the authentication masks. This reads the "masks" section of the configuration and makes it so that only the users found in that configuration may successfully login.
See "add_auth" in POE::Component::Server::IRC.
on install_operator_configuration
This is called by "on _start" and reads the "operators" setting from the configuration file. That configuration will be used to grant logging users server op status.
See "add_operator" in POE::Component::Server::IRC.
on install_listener_configuration
This event handler initializes a listening port for each entry in the "listeners" setting of the configuration file. This is called by "on _start". For each listener initialized, it also reports a READY status message to the logs.
See "add_listener" in POE::Component::Server::IRC.
on install_peer_configuration
Run by "on _start", this handler intiates peer connections between IRC servers to create the IRC network. This will either notify the server that it should be anticipating an incoming connection from a peer or cause it to initiate a connection.
See "add_peer" in POE::Component::Server::IRC.
on server quit
This causes the IRC daemon to close all connections and stop listening.
Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp <>
Copyright 2007 Boomer Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software and may be modified and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.