Changes for version 0.24 - 2009-03-25

  • Joseph Hull reported that WeatherBug had apparently modified the format of the date string in the getFullForecast response. Used this opportunity to move from a regex hack to DateTime::Format::Builder. Code now supports new format and old, in case they move back to the old format.


Provide an object oriented interface to the WeatherBug API.
Simple class interface to WeatherBug alerts.
Simple class interface for a compact weather report.
Parse WeatherBug date string into a DateTime object
Simple class interface to a single forecast from the WeatherBug API.
Simple class interface to the location of a WeatherBug Station or observation.
Abstraction for a value with units.
Simple class interface to the 7 day forecast.
Simple class interface to the WeatherBug station data
Abstraction for temperature with the ability to retrieve data in either C or F.
Simple class interface for a weather report.