Changes for version 1.10 - 2014-09-03

  • Update author tests to be more complete
  • Add Perl minimum version test.
  • Remove support for Module::Build
  • Update META_SPEC information in Makefile.PL
  • Use Test::Exception for testing exception failures
  • Cleanup test formatting.


Command line tool for creating sparklines
Performing specific tasks with SVG::Sparklines
Documentation for the SVG::Sparkline module
CGI script for generating SVG-based sparklines


Create Sparklines in SVG
Supports SVG::Sparkline for area graphs.
Supports SVG::Sparkline for bar graphs.
Supports SVG::Sparkline for line graphs.
Supports SVG::Sparkline for range area graphs.
Supports SVG::Sparkline for range bar graphs.
Utility functions used by the sparkline type modules.
Supports SVG::Sparkline for whisker graphs.