Games::Maze::SVG::RectHex - Build rectangular mazes with hexagonal cells in SVG.
Version 0.71
Games::Maze::SVG::RectHex uses the Games::Maze module to create mazes in SVG.
use Games::Maze::SVG;
my $foo = Games::Maze::SVG->new( 'RectHex' );
- new
Create a new Games::Maze::SVG object. Supports the following named parameters:
Takes one positional parameter that is the maze type: Rect, RectHex, or Hex
- wallform
String naming the wall format. Legal values are bevel, round, roundcorners, and straight.
- crumb
String describing the breadcrumb design. Legal values are dash, dot, line, and none
- dx
The size of the tiles in the X direction.
- dy
The size of the tiles in the Y direction.
- dir
Directory in which to find the ecmascript for the maze interactivity. Should either be relative, or in URL form.
- is_hex
Method returns true.
- is_hex_shaped
Method returns false.
- convert_sign_position
Convert the supplied x and y coordinates into the appropriate real coordinates for a the position of the exit sign.
returns a two element list containing (x, y).
G. Wade Johnson, <>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
Thanks go to Valen Johnson and Jason Wood for extensive test play of the mazes.
Copyright 2004-2006 G. Wade Johnson, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.