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Device::USB::Win32Async - Add async functions to Device::USB
Version 0.32
Device::USB provides a Perl wrapper around the libusb library.
Device::USB::Win32Async adds the async functions from libusb-win32 to Device::USB. This is only available for Win32 systems.
use Device::USB;
use Device::USB::Win32Async;
my $usb = Device::USB->new();
my $dev = $usb->find_device( $VENDOR, $PRODUCT );
my $Context; # Context variable for asynch I/O
my $Buffer; # Buffer for results (input) or to transmit (output)
my $NumBytes = 5000; # of bytes to transfer
$Status = $dev->submit_async($Context,$Buffer,$NumBytes); # Start the transfer
while( 1 ) {
$Response = $dev->reap_async_nocancel($Context,50); # 50 mS wait time
if $Response != Device::USB::Device::ETIMEDOUT;
# Do other tasks while waiting, such as update the GUI
# For example, a TK program might call $MainWindow->update();
<Other Task code>
See the libusb-win32 manual for more information about the methods. The functionality is the same as the libusb function whose name is the method name prepended with "usb_".
Generally, define a $Context variable which the library will use to keep track of the asynchronous call. Activate the transfer (read or write, depending on the endpoint) using submit_async() as shown, then loop calling reap_async_nocancel() while checking the return code.
You can have any number of async operations pending on different endpoints - just define multiple context variables as needed (ie - $Context1, $Context2, &c).
- isochronous_setup_async($Context,$Endpoint,$Packetsize)
Setup a Context for use in subsequent asynchronous operations
- Context
A scalar to store opaque information about the operation
- Endpoint
The endpoint the asynchronous operation will use
- Packetsize
The size of the isochronous packets
Returns 0 on success, < 0 on error (consult errno.h for explanation)
- bulk_setup_async($Context,$Endpoint)
Setup a Context for use in subsequent asynchronous operations
- Context
A scalar to store opaque information about the operation
- Endpoint
The endpoint the asynchronous operation will use
Returns 0 on success, < 0 on error (consult errno.h for explanation)
- interrupt_setup_async($Context,$Endpoint)
Setup a Context for use in subsequent asynchronous operations
- Context
A scalar to store opaque information about the operation
- Endpoint
The endpoint the asynchronous operation will use
Returns 0 on success, < 0 on error (consult errno.h for explanation)
- submit_asynch($Context,$Buffer,$Size)
Start an asynchronous I/O operation
- Context
A previously prepared context generated by one of the xxx_setup_async functions above
- Buffer
A string buffer to receive the resulting data
- Size
The number of bytes to pre-allocate to hold the incoming data.
Returns 0 on success, < 0 on error (consult errno.h for explanation)
- reap_asynch($Context,$Timeout)
Get the results of an asynchronous operation and cancel if not complete.
- Context
A previously prepared context generated by one of the xxx_setup_async functions above
- Timeout
Number of milliseconds to wait before timeout
Returns 0 on success, < 0 on error (consult errno.h for explanation)
- reap_asynch_nocancel($Context,$Timeout)
Get the results of an asynchronous operation, but continue request (return Device::USB::Device::ETIMEDOUT => -116) if not complete yet.
- Context
A previously prepared context generated by one of the xxx_setup_async functions above
- Timeout
Number of milliseconds to wait before timeout
Returns 0 on success, < 0 on error (consult errno.h for explanation)
- cancel_async($Context)
Cancel an asynchronous operation in progress
- Context
A previously prepared context generated by one of the xxx_setup_async functions above
Returns 0 on success, < 0 on error (consult errno.h for explanation)
- free_async($Context)
Free up resources allocated for the asynchrounous context
- Context
A previously prepared context generated by one of the xxx_setup_async functions above
Returns 0 on success, < 0 on error (consult errno.h for explanation)
Carp, Inline::C, and Device::USB.
Also depends on the libusb-win32 library.
Rajstennaj Barrabas wrote the code.
The module is maintained by G. Wade Johnson (wade at anomaly dot org).
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-device-usb-win32async@rt.cpan.org
, or through the web interface at http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Device::USB::Win32Async. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
This module depends on extensions to the libusb library added in the LibUsb-Win32 library. As such, the module is only expected to work on a Win32-based system.
Copyright 2009 Rajstennaj Barrabas
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 378:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'