qgoda watch - Build a qgoda site and watch for changes
qgoda watch [<global options>] [--dry-run]
Try 'qgoda --help' for a description of global options.
Does exactly the same as `qgoda build` but does not terminate (hit CTRL-C or close the terminal window instead).
If the initial build was successful, the program monitors the file system and starts a new build, whenever an input file was modified, deleted or created. Subsequent build failures are not fatal.
Whenever a build was finished, successful or not, the number of seconds elapsed since the epoch are written into the file _timestamp. This can be used as a trigger to reload pages in the browser, restart a service, or similar.
- -D, --drafts
Process draft documents (documents with the draft property set)
- -F, --future
Process documents with a date (date property) in the future
- --dry-run
Just print what would be done but do not write any files.
- -h, --help
Show this help page and exit.
Qgoda::Command::Build, qgoda(1)
Part of Qgoda.