Devel::throttle - Slow down execution of Perl code


In order to slow down a script, invoke Perl like this:

perl -d:"throttle(0.2)"

Or using the shebang line:

#! /usr/bin/perl -d:throttle(0.2)

If you want to slow down only certain parts of your software, do not specify a sleep time:

perl -d:throttle


#! /usr/bin/perl -d:throttle

If you want to use your own throttling function:

#! /usr/bin/perl -d:throttle(0.2, \&myfunc)

With arguments:

#! /usr/bin/perl -d:throttle(undef, \&myfunc, 'foo', 'bar')

Or enter code directly:

#! /usr/bin/perl -d:throttle(undef, 'sleep 1; print "continue\n"')


It is sometimes desirable to slow down the execution of Perl code. With the help of this module, you can let your Perl scripts (or parts of it) run in slow-motion.

This is achieved by pausing the script after each instruction for a certain amount of time. You can also call your own custom sleep function, if you are not happy with the default.


You can configure the behavior of the module at invocation time and/or any time later during your script.

Invocation options

You can specify all configuration options, when you invoke your script using either command-line options or in the she-bang line. When using command-line options, you have to make sure to properly escape characters special to your shell.

The following usages are currently supported:


This will just load the framework, but - except for a minimal overhead - not slow down your script.


This will slow down your script, by sleeping for SLEEPTIME seconds after each instruction. SLEEPTIME can be a fractional value.


If you specify a code reference as the optional second argument, this code will be called instead of the default throttling function. The code will be invoked with SLEEPTIME as its single argument.


If you specify more arguments, the CODEREF will be called with these arguments. You can access SLEEPTIME via the variable $DB::throttle.

-d:throttle(SLEEPTIME, STRING)

If the second argument is present and not a code reference, it is interpreted as Perl code that is executed instead of the default throttling function. You can access SLEEPTIME via the variable $DB::throttle.

Run-time configuration

You can change the behavior of the module at any time during execution of your script. This is useful, if you only want to slow down certain portions of your code.


The default throttling function will sleep $DB::throttle seconds after each Perl instruction. Setting the variable to zero or a non-number, will mostly disable the slow-down. Higher values will slow down execution.


This variable holds a reference to the code that is executed after each Perl instruction. It is called with the arguments @Devel::throttle::args if present, or $DB::throttle otherwise.

The default function looks roughly like this:

sub { select undef, undef, undef, shift }

In fact, the function is a little bit more complicated, since it does a sanity check on its argument.


If this list is not empty, the throttling function will be called with these arguments instead of the default argument $DB::throttle.

Since Devel::throttle is a custom debugger, you can also influence its behavior by the standard debugging API (see DB(3pm)).


Is there anything useful you can do with this module?

If you find a useful application, drop me a line. I personally wrote the module in order to debug concurrency problems of a CGI application. The idea goes like this: Fire many parallel http requests, and measure the average execution time. Now repeat the test, this time slowing down one single request with Devel::throttle. If this overproportionally slows down the other requests, it is quite likely that you have a mutual locking problem.

You can then later narrow the search for the culprit in your code by only slowing down a portion of the script.

Why is there a start-up delay of Devel::throttle?

There is none. Probably you tested this module with a little loop printing out some stuff, and you forgot that a couple of instructions (including compilation) have already been executed, before the loop is entered.

Why isn't there a Devel::accel module that does the opposite of Devel::throttle?

Well, in fact, I have such a module. I just did not bother to publish it.


You can report bugs via the bug-tracking system at


Copyright (C) 2009, Guido Flohr <>, all rights reserved.

This free software is contributed to the Perl community by Imperia ( You can re-distribute it or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


DB(3pm), perl(1)