Chess::Plisco::Engine::Tree - Plisco's search tee
my $tree = Chess::Plisco::Engine::Tree->new(Chess::Plisco::Engine::Position->new);
A Chess::Plisco::Engine::Tree holds all information for a current search (for the best move).
The tree has the following properties that you can read and manipulate directly.
- position
The current position as a Chess::Plisco::Engine::Position object.
- start_time
Start time of the current search as an array of seconds and microseconds since the epoch (as returned by "gettimeofday" in Time::HiRes).
- allocated_time
The maximum time in ms to think about a move.
- nodes_to_tc
When that many nodes have been searched, the time left should be checked again.
- stop
A condvar of AniEvent that the engine sends the best mvoe to, when the search is done.
- watcher
An instance of a Chess::Plisco::Engine::InputWatcher that is asked about 10 times per second to check the command-line for input.
- thinking
Set to true if the engine is thinking.
- bestmove
The best move as a string.
- score
The current score of the position.
Copyright (C) 2021 Guido Flohr <>, all rights reserved.
Chess::Plisco::Engine::Position, perl(1)