Changes for version 0.3 - 2021-09-29
- EPD parser
- check for insufficient material
- detect draw by repetition
- detect draw by 50-moves-rule
- enhanced move ordering
- better performance
- macros in releases are now expanded for faster startup time
- new option "Batch" for sequential processing
- new command "fen"
- new command "evaluate"
- new command "see MOVE"
An Introductory Tutorial to Chess Programming in Perl With Chess::Plisco
A comprehensive chess library for Perl
The Perl chess engine plisco
Time Management
Plisco's search tee
Macros/inline functions for Chess::Plisco
in lib/Chess/Plisco/
in lib/Chess/Plisco/
in lib/Chess/Plisco/EPD/
in lib/Chess/Plisco/Engine/
in lib/Chess/Plisco/Engine/
in lib/Chess/Plisco/Engine/