Chess::Plisco::Tutorial - An Introductory Tutorial to Chess Programming in Perl With Chess::Plisco


Let's start by explaining the fundamental data structures.

Data Structures


A real chess board looks roughly likes this:

    a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h
8 | r | n | b | q | k | b | n | r |
7 | p | p | p | p | p | p | p | p |
6 |   | . |   | . |   | . |   | . |
5 | . |   | . |   | . |   | . |   |
4 |   | . |   | . |   | . |   | . |
3 | . |   | . |   | . |   | . |   |
2 | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P |
1 | R | N | B | Q | K | B | N | R |
    a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h

The board has eight columns, called "files", named "a" to "h", and eight rows, called "ranks", named "1" to "8". The initial position of the white king "K" is "e1", the intersection of the "e" file and the "1"st rank. Likewise, the white queen "Q" is on "d1", and the black king "k" and black queen "q" are initially located on "e8" and "d8" respectively.

It is, of course, possible to use an intuitive board representation like an array of arrays or even a hash, and there are chess libraries that do exactly that. The main drawback of this approach is performance because all operations on the board imply expensive lookups and dereferencings.

A more efficient representation takes advantage of the fact that a chess board has exactly 64 squares. Nowadays, most computers use integers of size 64. Therefore you can represent a chess board, more exactly one single aspect of a chess board, as a 64-bit integer, each bit representing exactly one square of the board.

But with just one bit of information per square, you cannot represent a chess position, because there are 12 different pieces: Pawns, knights, bishops, rooks, queens, and kings in both black and white. The solution is to use multiple such bitboards, and combine them.

A Chess::Plisco instance is an array of arrays of integers, and the first few are:

  • white_pieces - one bitboard for the white pieces

  • black_pieces - one bitboard for the black pieces

  • pawns - one bitboard for the pawns (of both colors)

  • knights - one bitboard for the knights (of both colors)

  • bishops - one bitboard for the bishops (of both colors)

  • rooks - one bitboard for the rooks (of both colors)

  • queens - one bitboard for the queens (of both colors)

  • kings - one bitboard for the kings (of both colors)

  • in_check - one bitboard for all pieces giving check (of the color not to move)

Why is there no distinction between black and white pieces of a certain kind, for example black knights and white knights? The answer is performance and compactness. To get a bitboard with one bit set for each black knight, you simple do the bitwise AND of the two bitboards:

$black_knights = $b_pieces & $knights

In other words: For each black knight, there must be one bit set in the bitboard of black pieces AND in the knight bitboard.

Example: How to get a bitboard of white's regular (bishops, knights, rooks, and queens) pieces:

$w_pieces & ($knights | $bishops | $rooks | $queens)

A lot of libraries do not use a separate bitboard for queens because the moves that a queen can make are just a superset of the moves of a bishop and the moves of a rook. Having no bitboard for queens, can therefore speed up parts of the move generation but on the other hand requires a lot of extra branching (conditionals). In the case of Chess::Plisco it turned out that it is actually faster with a separate bitboard for the queens.

Other Board Representations

Forsyth-Edwards Notation FEN

The Forsyth-Edwards Notation of a chess position is mostly used for data exchange between chess software. See for example for details.

Extended Position Description EPD

A similar notation to FEN is the You can think of it as FEN with meta data.

Coordinates and Squares

The chess board is actually a Cartesian coordinate system. There are multiple ways, how a particular point in that coordinate system can be specified. In Chess-Plisco we use the terms "coordinates", "squares", and "shifts", and you can convert between all of them with dedicated class methods:

my $square = Chess::Plisco->coordinatesToSquare($file, $rank)
my $shift = Chess::Plisco->coordinatesToShift($file, $rank)
my $shift = Chess::Plisco->squareToShift($square)
my ($file, $rank) = Chess::Plisco->squareToCoordinates($square)
my $square = Chess::Plisco->shiftToSquare($shift)
my ($file, $rank) = Chess::Plisco->shiftToCoordinates($shift)

Additionally, we also have "shift masks" (see below).


When we talk of coordinates, we mean a pair of a file and a rank, but always as 0-based indexes. So the files "a" to "h" are indexed as 0 ... 7, and the ranks "1" to "8" are indexed as 0 ... 7.


Squares are conventional coordinates like "e4" or "c7". They are only used for presentational purposes.


A bitboard has 64 bits, and each bit stands for a particular square of the chess board:

   a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h
8 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 8
7 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 7
6 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 6
5 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 5
4 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4
3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 3
2  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2
1  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 1
   a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h

So the square "e4" is represented by the bit with the index 28 of a bitboard (actually the 29th bit if you count from 1). So, a better term may actually be "index" or "bit number".

But you do not have to remember the mapping. Instead just use the constants CP_A1 for "a1", CP_A2 for "a2" and so on.

Shift Masks

How would you find out whether the square "e4" is occupied by a white piece? You create a bitboard (64-bit integer) where only the 28th bit is set and AND that with the bitboard of the white pieces. And you create a bitboard where only the 28th bit is set with a shift operation:

$e4_square = (1 << 28) | $w_pieces

You "shift" the one 28 places to the left. And this is why the indexes or bit numbers are called "shifts" here. And a shift mask is a bitboard with exactly one bit set.

The code will be better understandable if you replace the literal 28 with a constant:

$e4_square = (1 << CP_E4) | $w_pieces

Chess::Plisco Instances

Unlike most Perl objects, instances of Chess::Plisco are blessed array references. This design decision was taken because accessing accessing array elements is faster than accessing hash elements. But there is no need to remember the exact ordering of the array. You can either use dedicated macros that operate directly on Chess::Plisco instances or use constants for the indexes:

use Chess::Plisco (:all);
use Chess::Plisco::Macro;

$pos = Chess::Plisco->new;

# Equivalent!
$w_pieces = $pos[CP_POS_WHITE_PIECES];
$pos[CP_POS_WHITE_PIECES] = $_pieces;
$w_pieces = cp_pos_white_pieces $pos;
cp_pos_white_pieces $pos = $w_pieces;


The chess pieces are specified by an enumeration:


  • CP_PAWN 1



  • CP_ROOK 4

  • CP_QUEEN 5

  • CP_KING 6

The default values for each piece are defined by these constants in Chess::Plisco:






These constants can be overridden in derived classes. This is not recommended for the constants specifiying the pieces (see above), as the data values will not fit into the other structures.


Internal Move Representation

A move in Chess::Plisco is simply an integer. The individual bits of a move are:

  • 22 (21): side (0 for white, 1 for black) that moves

  • 19-21 (18-20): piece that gets captured if any

  • 16-18 (15-17): piece that moves (resp. piece)

  • 13-15 (12-14): promotion piece if any

  • 7-12 (6-11): from shift (0-63)

  • 1- 6 (0- 5): to shift (0-63)

The numbers in parentheses are the 0-based bit numbers.

Only bits 1 to 15 are really needed to characterize a move, and the bits 13 to 15 are only needed for pawn promotions. The other bits can be derived from the position that the move is applied to.

Please note that the piece that gets captured and the color are added by "doMove" in Chess::Plisco to the move. They are not set, when calling "pseudoLegalMoves" in Chess::Plisco or "pseudoLegalAttacks" in Chess::Plisco!

The piece that moves, is the piece that stands on the starting square.

You do not have to remember the exact structure of a move but use macros resp. inline functions for accessing individual properties:

  • cp_move_to($move): the starting square as a shift

  • cp_move_from($move): the destination square as a shift

  • cp_move_promotion($move): the promotion piece if any

  • cp_move_piece($move): the attacking piece

  • cp_move_captured($move): the captured piece if any

None of these macros can be used as l-values (on the left-hand side of an assignment)! For this, use other macros:

  • cp_move_set_to($move, $to): the starting square as a shift

  • cp_move_set_from($move, $from): the destination square as a shift

  • cp_move_set_promotion($move, $piece): the promotion piece

  • cp_move_set_piece($move, $piece): the attacking piece

  • cp_move_set_captured($move, $piece): a possible captured piece

Parsing Moves

The method parseMove() can be used for creating a move. It expects the move in either:

Coordinate Notation
Standard Algebraic Notation (SAN)

The coordinate notation is the notation that most chess engines use. It is simply the start and the destination square appended plus an optional piece to promote a pawn to, for example "b1c3" for the piece on square "b1" moving to "c3" or "e7d8q" for a pawn on "e7" capturing the piece on "d8" being promoted to a queen.

Standard Algebraic Notation (SAN) is the notation conventionally used for describing chess games. You will find more information about it on the internet.

Note that the move parser is very forgiving and accepts a lot of moves that are not complying with the standard.

Making Moves Human-Readable

The methods SAN and moveCoordinateNotation can be used to print a move in humand-readable format:

# Nxe7#
# d6e7

In general, you will prefer printing moves in Standard Algebraic Notation.

Using Macros

When dealing with chess programming you often find yourself executing small operations many times, more than often millions of times. You can, of course, write subroutines for these operations but the calling overhead sums up and contributes significantly to the execution time of your code.

Even writing these routines in C does not help at all because the calling overhead is large compared to the execution time of the function body.

This is why the module Chess::Plisco::Macro exists. It makes a lot of small helper functions available, the names of which all begin with cp_. You can use them more or less like functions but they are inlined into your code at compile-time.

But this is only necessary, when performance is important. For normal purposes, you can just use regular instance methods instead of macros.

But when you want to use the macros, there are a couple of caveats that you have to keep in mind:

Use Chess::Plisco::Macro and(!) Chess::Plisco

The macros in Chess::Plisco::Macro make use of constants defined in Chess::Plisco. If you do not import these constants, you will get strange errors. You should therefore start your own code with this boilerplate:

use strict;
use integer;
use Chess::Plisco qw(:all);
use Chess::Plisco::Macro;

Use integer

Some of the macros will only work on integers. You must therefore always use integer in the scope of your code. Not doing so will result in errors!

If you need floating point arithmetics, activate them only in the limited scope of a block:

    no integer;
    printf "avg. loss in centipedes: %g\n", $score / 100;

Do Not Use Here Documents

The translation currently chokes on here documents (<<EOF ...).

Do not Create References to Macros

Macros are not Perl subroutines. They are more or less stupidly replaced with chunks of code. Things like my $sub = \&cp_pos_white_pieces may or may not cause a syntax error but they will never do what you expect.

Be Prepared for Errors

The macro expansion internally makes use of PPI::Document and it therefore shares all of that module's inevitable limitations. And it adds a fair amount of its own shortcomings. The macro approach is rather an experiment than a production-ready general-purpose tool.

Common Bitboard Operations

Bitboards are fast and efficient but working with them is a little bit convoluted compared to more conventional representations of a chess board like two-dimensional arrays or hashes.

Counting Pieces

Task: Count the number of white pawns on the board.

use Chess::Plisco;
use Chess::Plisco::Macro;

my $pos = Chess::Plisco->new;
my $white_pawns = cp_pos_white_pieces($pos) & cp_pos_pawns($pos);
my $count;
cp_bitboard_popcount $white_pawns, $count;
print "There are $count white pawns on the board.\n";

The important line is the last but one. The macro cp_bitboard_popcount counts the number of bits set in an integer, and this is exactly what you need here.

Iterating Bitboards

Task: Print the square for every white pawn on the board.

Conventional and Slow Approach

Iterating over a bitboard can be done in an intuitive and straightforward way:

use integer;
use Chess::Plisco qw(:all);
use Chess::Plisco::Macro;

my $white_pawn_mask = cp_pos_white_pieces($pos) & cp_pos_pawns($pos);

foreach my $shift (0 .. 63) {
    my $shift_mask = 1 << $shift;

    if ($shift_mask & $white_pawn_mask) {
        my $square = cp_shift_to_square $shift;
        print "There is a white pawn on $square.\n";

You basically shift a 1 bit subsequently to the left, and then test whether the corresponding bit is set in the bitboard. There is nothing wrong with this approach and it is actually reasonably fast.

Efficient and Fast Approach

But there is a another technique that achieves the same result and is often faster:

use integer;
use Chess::Plisco qw(:all);
use Chess::Plisco::Macro;

my $pos = Chess::Plisco->new;
my $white_pawn_mask = cp_pos_white_pieces($pos) & cp_pos_pawns($pos);

while ($white_pawn_mask) {
    my $shift = cp_bitboard_count_trailing_zbits $shift_mask;

    my $square = cp_shift_to_square $shift;
    print "There is a white pawn on $square.\n";

    $white_pawn_mask = cp_bitboard_clear_least_set $white_pawn_mask;

If you count the trailing zero bits with the macro cp_bitboard_count_trailing_zbits() you get the position of that bit in the bitboard and you can now use that information for whatever you want to do.

At the end of the loop body, you clear the least significant bit of the bitboard. Therefore, the population count of the bitboard decreases by one with each iteration.

If you want to benchmark both approaches, make sure to remove the expensive operations inside the loop body, that is the call to cp_shift_to_square() and especially the print to the console.

What you will find out is that the second approach runs around 10-15 % faster than the conventional approach. On the one hand you have less iterations (8 vs. 64) but masking out the bits and especially counting the trailing zero bits outweighs that mostly.

But if you replace "pawn" with "king" in the code, the 2nd variation runs around 700 % or seven times faster than the conventional approach. This is because you always have exactly one loop iteration instead of 64. And in the case of kings you could improve that even further by taking advantage of the fact that there is always exactly one white king on the board. So you do not even need a loop.

Most of the time, the bitboards you are dealing with are sparsely populated and it is advantageous to take the second approach. Only in the exceptional case that you want to iterate over a bitboard with all pieces of one color or even all pieces of both colors, you are better off using the conventional approach.

Game Play

Initializing a Position

You use the constructor to instantiate a chess position. For the start position you call it with arguments. If you have the position represented as a string in Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN) you pass that as an argument to the constructor:

$pos = Chess::Plisco->new;

# Or:

$fen = 'r4rk1/1p3pp1/1q2b2p/1B2R3/1Q2n3/1K2PN2/1PP3PP/7R w - - 3 22';
$pos = Chess::Plisco->new($fen);

Making Moves

Applying a move to a position usually requires first parsing a chess move as a string into the internal representation. You then pass that move (which is just an integer) to the method doMove():

# Parse the move in one of the supported formats.
$move = $pos->parseMove('Nc3');
$move = $pos->parseMove('Nb1-c3');
$move = $pos->parseMove('b1c3');
$state = $pos->doMove($move) or die "illegal move";

The method doMove() returns a reference to an array containing state information needed to undo the move later. If the move was illegal, the method returns a falsy value.

Undoing Moves

You will often find that you have to undo a move so that the position is reverted to the state before the move had been played.

In general, there are two strategies for undoing moves in chess software. The brute force approach is to make a deep copy of the position and revert by copying back later, resp. by simply applying the move to the copy only and throwing it away.

The other possibility is to undo all modifications made by applying the move. This is, of course, more complicated but often faster than the brute force approach.

Chess::Plisco supports both approaches and currently the brute force approach seems to be faster (around 10-15 percent) but this maybe depends on the hardware or system. The reason for that is that a shallow copy is sufficient for copying a Chess::Plisco object which makes the copying really cheap, whereas undoing a move programmatically requires several dereferencings.

But you are encouraged to try it out yourself.

Undoing Moves Programmatically

This is done with undoMove():

$state = $pos->doMove($move);

Not all recovery information can be stored in the move itself. Therefore, you have to pass the state information returned from doMove() as the argument to undoMove().

The state information is an array reference containing all information needed to rever the position. The first element of that array is the move itself but with the captured piece and the color on move updated. This is important to know, when you use "pseudoLegalMoves" in Chess::Plisco resp. "pseudoLegalAttacks" in Chess::Plisco because these methods do not set a possibly captured piece and the color that made the move.

Undoing Moves By Copying the Position

How you do this depends a little bit on your exact requirements. It will probably look something like this:

$copy = bless [@$pos], 'Chess::Plisco'; # or $copy = $pos->copy;

There is also a copy constructor copy() but when you are really concerned about performance, then you probably choose the manual copying because it safes you a method call.

Playing Games in PGN Format

Playing games stored in Portable Game Notation PGN can be done with the external library Chess::PGN::Parse. Note that a PGN file can actually contain a collection of games, not just one:

$pos = Chess::Plisco->new;
$pgn = Chess::PGN::Parse->new('games.pgn') or die;
while ($pgn->read_game) {
    @san_moves = $pgn->moves;
    foreach my $san_move (@san_moves) {
        $move = $pos->parseMove($san_move)
            or die "cannot parse move '$san_move'";
            or die "illegal move '$san_move'";

Analyzing Positions

Chess::Plisco offers some high-level methods for analyzing chess positions.

Listing Possible Moves

You have two ways for doing this:

@moves = $pos->legalMoves;
foreach $move (@moves) {
    print join '|', $pos->SAN($move), $pos->moveCoordinateNotation($move);

Chess engines usually do not try out every legal move for each position but prune parts of the search tree by discarding moves which do not make sense. Therefore, the move generator in Chess::Plisco works in two stages. The above example could be re-written like this:

@moves = $pos->pseudoLegalMoves;
foreach $move (@moves) {
    $pos->doMove($move) or next;
    print join '|', $pos->SAN($move), $pos->moveCoordinateNotation($move);

The method pseudoLegalMoves may return moves that violate the rules of chess. But checking the rules is somewhat expensive. If the loop above may be exited early (this will often happen in chess engines), then these extra checks are a waste of time, when you never actually consider the move.

What exactly is a pseudo-legal move is implementation dependent and you should not rely on the current implementation.

Visualizing Bitboards

A bitboard, which is just a 64 bit integer, can be visualized in a chess-board-like manner with dumpBitboard().

print "white pieces: ", $pos->dumpBitboard($pos->[CP_POS_WHITE_PIECES]);

There is also a method dumpAll() which dumps all bitboards at once.

Checking for Check

Finding out whether the side to move is in check, can be done like this:

$checkers = $pos->[CP_POS_IN_CHECK];
# or: $checkers = cp_pos_in_check $pos;
if ($checkers) {
    print "pieces giving check: ", $pos->dumpBitboard($checkers);

In fact, what you get is not a boolean flag but a bitboard with the pieces that are giving check.

Checking for Pieces

Finding out whether a white piece is on "e4" can be done like this:

$shift = CP_E4;
# or $shift = $pos->squareToShift('e4');
# or $shift = $pos->coordinatesToShift(4, 0); 
$mask = 1 << $shift;
$is_white = $mask & $pos->[CP_POS_WHITE_PIECES];
# or: $is_white = $mask & cp_pos_white_pieces($pos);

If you want to know whether it is a white king, you go like this:

$is_king = $mask & ($pos->[CP_POS_WHITE_PIECES] & $pos->[CP_POS_KINGS]);
# or: $is_king = $mask & (cp_pos_white_pieces($pos) & cp_pos_kings($pos));

If you want to also check for the color, you additionally have to do the bitwise AND of the white or black bitboard.

Finding out which piece is on a particular location can also be done with dedicated methods:

($piece, $color) = $pos->pieceAtSquare('e4');
($piece, $color) = $pos->pieceAtCoordinates(4, 3);
($piece, $color) = $pos->pieceAtShift(27);
$piece = $pos->pieceAtSquare('e4');
$piece = $pos->pieceAtCoordinates(4, 3);
$piece = $pos->pieceAtShift(27);

In array context, you get the piece and the color, in scalar context just the piece. The piece is one of CP_NO_PIECE, CP_PAWN, CP_KNIGHT, CP_BISHOP, CP_QUEEN, or CP_KING, and the color one of CP_WHITE, CP_BLACK, or undef if there is no piece at all at the specified location.

Castling State

The castling state is encoded with other state information in one single integer as a bit mask. It is highly recommended that you use the dedicated methods from Chess::Plisco or the macros from Chess::Plisco::Macro for it:

$white_can_castle_king_side  = cp_pos_white_king_side_castling_right $pos;
# or $white_can_castle_king_side  = $pos->whiteKingSideCastlingRight;
$white_can_castle_queen_side = cp_pos_white_queen_side_castling_right $pos;
# or $white_can_castle_queen_side  = $pos->whiteQueenSideCastlingRight;
$black_can_castle_king_side  = cp_pos_black_king_side_castling_right $pos;
# or $black_can_castle_king_side  = $pos->blackKingSideCastlingRight;
$black_can_castle_queen_side = cp_pos_black_queen_side_castling_right $pos;
# or $black_can_castle_queen_side  = $pos->blackKingSideCastlingRight;

En Passant

Find out on which square en-passant capturing is possible:

$en_passant_shift = $pos->enPassantShift;
# or $en_passant_shift = cp_pos_en_passant_shift $pos;

This will be 0 if capturing en passant is not possible in the particular position. You may have to be careful to use this information because 0 is also the "shift" for the square "h1". In doubt, go like this:

$ep_shift = cp_pos_en_passant_shift $pos;
if ($ep_shift && $ep_shift == $location) {
    # do what you need ...

Evading a Check

A check can be defended in one of three ways:

Moving the King

This is always an option.

Capturing the Piece Giving Check

This is only an option if there is just one piece giving check (because you cannot capture multiple pieces at once).

Blocking the Check With a Piece

You can also block the check by moving a piece between the king and the opponent's piece giving check. But this is not an option if multiple pieces give check, or if the piece giving check is a queen, a rook, or a knight.

Why? If the piece giving check is a pawn, there is no space between it and the king, and a knight can jump over other pieces.

This information is always stored in a Chess::Plisco object:

$evasion_strategy = cp_pos_evasion $pos;
if (CP_EVASION_KING_MOVE == $evasion_strategy) {
    say "king must move";
} elsif (CP_EVASION_CAPTURE == $evasion_strategy) {
    say "king can move or piece giving check can be captured";
} elsif (CP_EVASION_ALL == $evasion_strategy) {
    say "king can move, piece can be captured, or check can be blocked:",

Remember that the item at CP_POS_IN_CHECK gives you a bitboard with all pieces giving check. Alternatively, you can use the macro cp_pos_in_check.

The bitboard at CP_POS_EVASION_SQUARES has bits set for all pieces giving check.

Various Tricks

Calculating the Number of Pieces

The locations of pieces are usually represented as bitboards. You therefore have to count the number of bits set on the bitboard. This is conventionally called a population count or just "popcount".


$occupancy = $pos->whitePieces | $pos->blackPieces;
# or $occupancy = cp_pos_white_pieces($pos) | cp_pos_black_pieces($pos);
$number_of_pieces = $pos->bitboardPopcount($pos->occupancy);
# or $number_of_pieces = cp_bitboard_popcount $occupancy;

Is a Pawn Move a capture?

If the distance between the start and the destination square of a pawn move is odd, it is a capture. Keeping in mind that odd numbers (positive and negative) have the least significant bit set, and even numbers do not, you can do:

($piece, $from, $to) =
    ($pos->movePiece($move), $pos->moveFrom($move), $pos->moveTo($move));
if ($piece == CP_PAWN && ($from - $to) & 0x1) {
    # Pawn capture.

Alternatively with macros:

($piece, $from, $to) =
    (cp_move_piece($move), cp_move_from($move), $cp_move_to($move));
if ($piece == CP_PAWN && ($from - $to) & 0x1) {
    # En-passant.

Is a Move an En-Passant Capture?

With or without macros this can be done as follows:

($piece, $from, $to) =
    ($pos->movePiece($move), $pos->moveFrom($move), $pos->moveTo($move));
$ep_shift = $pos->enPassantShift;
if ($ep_shift && $piece == CP_PAWN
    && ($from - $to) & 0x && $to == $ep_shift) {
    # En-passant.

Alternatively with macros:

($piece, $from, $to) =
    (cp_move_piece($move), cp_move_from($move), $cp_move_to($move));
$ep_shift = cp_pos_en_passant_shift $pos;
if ($ep_shift && $piece == CP_PAWN
    && ($from - $to) & 0x && $to == $ep_shift) {
    # En-passant.

It is crucial to check that en-passant is actually possible. Otherwise you will miss an important edge case. A black pawn can possibly capture a piece on "h1". But the shift of "h1" is 0 and you must therefore check that the en-passant shift of the current position is not 0.

Is a Move a Castling?

Castlings are all king moves from "e1" to "c1" or "g1", or on the other side of the board from "e8" to "c8" or "g8". But instead of checking all four cases it is enough to check whether the distance between the start and destination square is two or minus two. And that can be done a lot faster:

($piece, $from, $to) =
    ($pos->movePiece($move), $pos->moveFrom($move), $pos->moveTo($move));
if ($piece == CP_KING && ((($from - $to) & 0x3) == 0x2)) {
    # It is a castling.

# Or with macros:
($piece, $from, $to) =
    (cp_move_piece($move), cp_move_from($move), $cp_move_to($move));
if ($piece == CP_KING && ((($from - $to) & 0x3) == 0x2)) {
    # It is a castling.

Toggling Color

CP_WHITE is defined as 0 and CP_BLACK is defined as 1. Therefore, toggling a color is as easy as:

$color = !$color; # because CP_WHITE == !CP_BLACK

Accessing the Bitboard for a Certain Piece

If you want to get the bitboard for a certain kind of piece, you do not have to compare it against all six possible types. Remember that an instance of Chess::Plisco is an array reference, and the constants CP_PAWN, CP_KNIGHT, ..., <CP_KING> are chosen so that you can use them directly as an index into the object itself:

$piece = CP_ROOK; # or $piece = $pos->movePiece($move);
$bitboard = $pos->[$piece];

The variable $bitboard now contains the correct bitboard for the piece, no matter what exact piece it is.

Accessing Own Pieces and Opponent's Pieces

You will often want that your code works for both black and white. The straight-forward way to do this uses a condition:

if ($pos->toMove == CP_WHITE) {
    $my_pieces = $pos->whitePieces;
    $their_pieces = $pos->blackPieces;
} else {
    $my_pieces = $pos->whitePieces;
    $their_pieces = $pos->blackPieces;

But the array slots for the white and black pieces are adjacent and this is guaranteed not to change in the future. And CP_WHITE is defined as 0 and CP_BLACK as 1. The above code can therefore be shorted a lot:

$my_pieces = $pos->[CP_POS_WHITE_PIECES + $pos->toMove];
$their_pieces = $pos->[CP_POS_WHITE_PIECES + !$pos->toMove];

Remember that a negated 0 is a 1, and a negated 1 is a 0, see "Toggling Color" above.

Understanding rMagic and bMagic

Both methods are called with two arguments, the shift of the starting square, and the occupancy of the board.

Imagine that there is a white bishop on "e4", and the other pieces (black and white) are located as follows (capital letters standing for white pieces, lowercase letters standing for black pieces):

  a b c d e f g h
8 r . k . . b . r 8
7 . p . . . . . . 7
6 . . n . . n . . 6
5 . . . . . . . . 5
4 . . . . B . . . 4
3 . . . . . . . . 3
2 . P P . . . . P 2
1 . . K . . N B R 1
  a b c d e f g h

How can that bishop move? It can reach d3 but not c2 because that is occupied by a pawn of the same color. It can reach d5 and c6 because c6 is occupied by an opponent's piece. The other squares are f5, g6, h7, f3, and g2.

But "bMagic" cannot give you that result directly. Try it out:

$fen = 'r1k2b1r/1p6/2n2n2/8/4B3/8/1PP4P/2K2NBR w - - 0 1';
$pos = Chess::Plisco->new($fen);
$targets = $pos->bMagic(CP_E4, $pos->occupancy);
print $pos->dumpBitboard($targets);

It prints out:

  a b c d e f g h
8 . . . . . . . . 8
7 . . . . . . . x 7
6 . . x . . . x . 6
5 . . . x . x . . 5
4 . . . . . . . . 4
3 . . . x . x . . 3
2 . . x . . . x . 2
1 . . . . . . . x 1
  a b c d e f g h

Almost correct but the white pawn on c2 is included which is not possible because the bishop cannot capture its own pawn. In order to get the correct result you have to mask out the pieces of the same color:

    $fen = 'r1k2b1r/1p6/2n2n2/8/4B3/8/1PP4P/2K2NBR w - - 0 1';
    $pos = Chess::Plisco->new($fen);
    $targets = $pos->bMagic(CP_E4, $pos->occupied)
	    & ~$pos->[CP_POS_WHITE_PIECES + $pos->toMove];
    print $pos->dumpBitboard($targets);

Now the result is correct:

  a b c d e f g h
8 . . . . . . . . 8
7 . . . . . . . x 7
6 . . x . . . x . 6
5 . . . x . x . . 5
4 . . . . . . . . 4
3 . . . x . x . . 3
2 . . . . . . x . 2
1 . . . . . . . x 1
  a b c d e f g h