Changes for version 0.41
- Pod::Peapod, such as Pod::Peapod::Text which is a simple POD
- to text converter (in progress).
- Cleaned up Pod::Peapod so that there is a distinction between
- the following methods: Output (Toc/Pod) (Text/NewLine).
- Had to be a little more intelligent about handling headers.
- =head This contains I<italics> in its text
- The header above would get hosed because I<> was a new element
- and it wouldn't see it as a header anymore, but then 'in its text'
- was back to being a header again. So basically, 'italics'
- would get dropped from a header.
- Tkpeapod has been polished off. scrollers are created for each
- Text widget so you can scroll Toc and Pod independently.
- Running the Tk pod viewer on's POD looks like a
- its getting there.
- need to get indenting and links working on Tk viewer.
- also, double check that font for code is right.
Perl module to provide an easy interface to parsing POD
POD viewer