Changes for version 0.600
Write extensible, recursive, grammars in pure perl code (grammar rules are perl arrays) and apply them to whatever parsee you want.
a linked list element that holds a single scalar payload.
Hold subroutine/constants for Letter objects These are NOT contained in a separate package so that another file can use them and they automatically get imported into that package.
a linked list element that holds a single scalar payload. This one assumes linked list is in a 2 dimensional structure
A base package containing all the methods that derived "letter" type classes will inherit.
A Parsable linked list of Parse::Gnaw::Letter objects.
Hold subroutine/constants for LinkedListLetter objects These are NOT contained in a separate package so that another file can use them and they automatically get imported into that package.
Create a Parsable linked list of Parse::Gnaw::Letter objects connected together as a 1-dimensional string.
Create a Parsable linked list of Parse::Gnaw::Letter objects, with 4 axis of dimension. This would be equivalent to a 2-dimensional block of text, equivalent to somthing like: