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Cassandra::Lite - Simple way to access Cassandra 0.7/0.8


version 0.2.0


This module will offer you a simple way to access Cassandra 0.7/0.8 (maybe later version). Some parts are not same as standard API document (especially arguments order), it's because I want to keep this module easy to use.

Before using this module, you need to know about the basic model of Cassandra. is a good start.

You'll need to install Thrift perl modules first to use Cassandra::Lite.

WARNING: All API might be changed.


First to initialize:

    use Cassandra::Lite;

    # Create with default options (C<keyspace> is a mantorary option):
    my $c = Cassandra::Lite->new(keyspace => 'Keyspace1');

    # Now just define $columnFamily and $key
    my $columnFamily = 'BlogArticle';
    my $key = 'key12345';

Then you can insert data:

    # Insert it.
    $c->put($columnFamily, $key, {title => 'testing title', body => '...'});

And get data:

    # Get a column
    my $scalarValue = $c->get($columnFamily, $key, 'title');

    # Get all columns
    my $hashRef = $c->get($columnFamily, $key);

More, to delete data:

    # Remove it
    $c->delete($columnFamily, $key);


    # Change keyspace

    # Get count
    my $num2 = $c->get_count('Foo', 'key1');


=head2 new(...)

All supported options:

    my $c = Cassandra::Lite->new(
                server_name => 'server1',       # optional, default to ''
                server_port => 9160,            # optional, default to 9160
                username => 'username',         # optional, default to empty string ''
                password => 'xxx',              # optional, default to empty string ''
                consistency_level_read => 'ONE' # optional, default to 'ONE'
                consistency_level_write => 'ONE' # optional, default to 'ONE'
                transport_read => 1024,         # optional, default to 1024
                transport_write => 1024,        # optional, default to 1024
                keyspace => 'Keyspace1',

So, usually we can use this in dev environment:

    my $c = Cassandra::Lite->new(keyspace => 'Keyspace1');
=head2 delete($columnFamily, $key, $column, $options)
=head2 get($columnFamily, $key, $column, $options)

The simplest syntax is to get all columns:

    my $cf = 'BlogArticle';
    my $key1 = 'key12345';

    my $allColumns = $c->get($cf, $key1);

You can get a single column:

    my $title = $c->get($cf, $key1, 'title');

Also, you can get range column (this example will query from 'Column001' to 'Column999'):

    my $columns = $c->get($cf, $key1, {start => 'Column001', finish => 'Column999'});

With multiple keys:

    my $key2 = 'key56789';

    my $datas1 = $c->get($cf, [$key1, $key2]);
    my $datas2 = $c->get($cf, [$key1, $key2], {start => 'Column001', finish => 'Column999'});

With key range:

    my $datas3 = $c->get($cf, {start_key => 'a', end_key => 'b'});
    my $datas4 = $c->get($cf, {start_key => 'a', end_key => 'b'}, 'column');
    my $datas5 = $c->get($cf, {start_key => 'a', end_key => 'b'},
                         {start => 'Column001', finish => 'Column999'});

In order words, $key can be scalar string (single key) or array reference (multiple keys). And $column can be undef (to get all columns), scalar string (to get one column), or hash reference (to get columns by range).

=head2 get_count($columnFamily, $key, $column, $options)
=head2 put($columnFamily, $key, $columns, $options)



Gea-Suan Lin, <gslin at>


Copyright 2011 Gea-Suan Lin.

This software is released under 3-clause BSD license. See for more information.

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 159:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 334:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'