Padre::Plugin::Shell::Base - A base class for Padre plugins.


Base class for plugins that use the system shell to extend Padre.


Subclass Padre::Plugin::Shell::Base to create a plugin.

package Padre::Plugin::Shell::Foo;
use base 'Padre::Plugin::Shell::Base';

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Padre::Wx       ();

sub plugin_menu {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my @menu   = ();
    push @menu, "Do Foo" => sub {$self->do_foo()};
    push @menu, '---' => undef;
    push @menu, Wx::gettext("&Configure Foo") => sub { $self->edit_config_file() },;
    return @menu;

sub example_config {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $config = "---\n";

    # additional config
    return $config;

sub do_foo {
    my ( $self ) = @_;
    my %config = $self->get_config();

    # additional foo

Subclass Padre::Plugin to wrap the plugin.

package Padre::Plugin::Foo;
use base 'Padre::Plugin';

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Padre::Plugin ();
use Padre::Plugin::Shell::Foo;

our $VERSION = '0.01';

my $foo_plugin;

sub plugin_name {

sub padre_interfaces {
    'Padre::Plugin' => 0.43;

sub menu_plugins_simple {
    my ($self) = @_;
    $foo_plugin = Padre::Plugin::Shell::Foo->new();
    'Foo' => [$plugin->plugin_menu()];


To provide additional information for the plugins, the following environment variables are set prior to performing the plugin action:

PE_CURRENT_WORD -- The word at the caret position.
PE_CURRENT_LINE -- The text of the current line.
PE_COLUMN_INDEX -- The index of the position of the caret in the current line (counting from 0).
PE_COLUMN_NUMBER -- The column number of the caret in the current line (counting from 1).
PE_LINE_INDEX -- The index of the current line (counting from 0).
PE_LINE_NUMBER -- The line number of the current line (counting from 1).
PE_LINE_COUNT -- The count of lines in the document.
PE_BASENAME -- The file name of the current document.
PE_DIRECTORY -- The directory of the current document.
PE_FILEPATH -- The full path and name of the current document.
PE_MIMETYPE -- The mime-type of the current document.
PE_CONFIG_DIR -- Location of the configuration directory (~/.padre)
PE_DEF_PROJ_DIR -- The default project directory.
PE_INDENT_TAB -- Use tabs for indentation. 'YES' or 'NO'
PE_INDENT_TAB_WIDTH -- Tab width/size.
PE_INDENT_WIDTH -- Indentation width/size.


Document/file interaction methods

append_selection_from_file ($file_pathname)

Takes the contents of $file_pathname and appends it to after the selection in the current editor tab.

new_document_from_file ($file_pathname, $mimetype)

Creates a new document from the contents in $file_pathname. The (optional) $mimetype tells Padre what kind of document is being created. If no mimetype is specified the Padre will be attempt to guess the mimetype.

replace_selection_from_file ($file_pathname)

Takes the contents of $file_pathname and uses it to replace the selection in the current editor tab.

File utility methods


Creates a temporary file and returns the pathname of the temporary file.

delete_temp_file ($file_pathname)

Deletes a temporary file.

slurp_file ($file_pathname)

Returns the contents of the specified file.

Configuration file methods

NOTE: Plugin configurations are stored using YAML.


Returns the pathname of a plugin configuration file.


Opens the configuration file for a plugin for editing.


Returns an example configuration for a plugin. Is to be overwritten by plugins that subclass this package.


Returns a hash containing the configuration for a plugin.


Initializes a configuration file for a plugin using the return value from example_config.

Environment variable methods


Updates the environment variables supported by plugins that subclass this package. See the ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES section for details.

Other methods


The cannonical new method.


Returns the menu for a plugin. Is to be overwritten by plugins that subclass this package.


Displays an error message.


Gregory Siems <>


Copyright (C) 2009 by Gregory Siems

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.