Changes for version v1.0.0 - 2021-06-10
- Update README / LICENSE (Brendan Byrd)
- Pull request #1: SM-3106 (Brendan Byrd)
- Add a small POD correction (Brendan Byrd)
- Add Types::Common::Numeric analogues, with blessed number support (Brendan Byrd)
- Avoid an potential "uninitialized value" warning (Brendan Byrd)
- Add perl to cpanfile (Brendan Byrd)
- Encourage more list notation for constraint/inline returns (Brendan Byrd)
- Remove leftover hidden files (Brendan Byrd)
- Update README (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
- Pull in extra ignores from our MintingProfile (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
- Unignore and commit Makefile (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
- Fix PerlNum unit test failure on blessed numbers while using _strict_check (Brendan Byrd)
- Switch from 3->4 spaces per indent (Brendan Byrd)
- Convert module to use GSG DZIL framework (Brendan Byrd)
Type constraints for numbers