Win32API::Net - Perl interface to the Windows NT LanManager API account management functions.


use Win32API::Net;


Win32API::Net provides a more complete wrapper for the account management parts of the NT LanManager API than do other similar packages. Most of what you can achieve with the native C++ API is possible with this package - albeit in a more Perl like manner by using references to pass information to and from functions.

For an understanding of the environment in which these functions operate see "DATA STRUCTURES".

The following groups of functions are available:


All functions return 0 on failure and 1 on success. Use the Win32::GetLastError() function to find out more information on why a function failed. In addition, some functions that take a hash reference to pass information in (e.g. UserAdd()) have a last argument that will allow more detailed information on which key/value pair was not properly specified.

Using References

References to hashes and arrays are used throughout this package to pass information into and out of functions.

Using Hash References

Where a hash reference is required you can use anything that evaluates to a hash reference. e.g.

$href = \%someHash;
UserAdd(server, 2, $hRef);

Or more directly:

UserAdd(server, 2, \%someHash);
Using Array references

Array references are used in a similar manner to hash references. e.g.

$aref = \@someArray;
UserEnum(server, $aref);

Or more directly:

UserEnum(server, \@someArray);

Please note: Any *Get*() or *Enum() operation will first clear the contents of the input hash or array being referenced.

See EXAMPLES and the script for examples of usage.


Most the the functions in the underlying API allow the programmer to pass specify at runtime the amount of information that is supplied to the function. For example, the NetUserGetInfo() call allows the programmer to specify levels of 0, 1, 2, 3 (and others). Having specified this level, the function returns a structure that will contain different fields. For a level 0, the function returns a structure that has only one field. For a supplied level of 1, the function returns a structure with 8 fields. The programmer needs to know in advance what fields should be provided or will be returned for a given level. This mechanism works very will since it effectively overloads functions without having to use different function prototypes. Perl provides better higher level data structures in the form of arrays and hashes. This package uses hashes as the means to pass these variable size structure into and out of functions.

For any function that takes a reference to a hash as input, the programmer is expected to provide appropriate keys and corresponding values as well as the level parameter. The called function will then takes the values out of the supplied hash and build the approprite structure to pass to the underlying API function.

For any function that takes a reference to a hash to recieve output, the function will first clear any keys an corresponding values in the supplied hash. It will call the underlying API call and will then return in the hash any keys and values that are applicable at the requested level.


The UserGetInfo() can takes a number of levels. If called with level 0 the supplied hash will, on return from the function, contain a single key and value - namely name/requested-users-name. If called with a level of 1 the supplied hash will, on return from the function, contain 8 keys and values. The returned keys are name, password, passwordAge, priv, homeDir, comment, flags, scriptPath. See "USER INFO FIELDS" for more information on what these represent.


By default, Win32API::Net exports no symbols into the callers namespace. The following tags can be used to selectively import symbols into the main namespace.


Exports all symbols needed for the User*() functions. See "NET USER FUNCTIONS".


Exports all symbols needed for the Get*() functions. See "NET GET FUNCTIONS".


Exports all symbols needed for the Group*() functions. See "NET GROUP FUNCTIONS".


Exports all symbols needed for the LocalGroup*() functions. See "NET LOCAL GROUP FUNCTIONS".


The User*() functions operate on NT user accounts.

Administrator or Account Operator group membership is required to successfully execute most of these functions on a remote server or on a computer that has local security enabled. Administrator privileges are required to add an Administrator Privilege account. There are some exceptions to this whereby a user can change some of their own settings where these don't conflict with 'administrative information' (e.g. full name).

The server field can be the empty string, in which case the function defaults to running on the local computer. If you leave this field blank then you should ensure that you are running the function on a PDC or BDC for your current domain. Use the support function GetDCName() to find out what the domain controller is, should you not be running this on the PDC.

All functions in this section are 'DOMAIN functions'. This means that, for example, the UserGetLocalGroups() function actually lists the domain's local groups of which the named user is a member.

The following functions are available.

UserAdd(server, level, hash, error)

Add a new user account. The user name is taken from the name-key's value in the supplied hash.

server - Scalar String

The server on which to add the account.

level - Scalar Int

Level of information provided in hash. This can be either 1, 2 or 3. See "USER INFO LEVELS".

hash - Hash Reference

The information to use to add this account. This should have all the appropriate keys and values required for level.

error - Scalar Int

Provides information on which field in the hash was not properly specified. See "USER FIELD ERRORS" for more information about what values this can take.

UserChangePassword(server, user, old, new)

Changes the password for user. If the policy of the machine/domain only allows password changes if the user is logged on then the user must be logged on to execute this function. With Administrator or Account Operator privilege you can use this function to change anyone's password, so long as you know the old password.

server - Scalar String

The server on which to change the password.

user - Scalar String

The name of the user whose password is being changed.

old - Scalar String

The existing password for user.

new - Scalar String

The new password for user.

UserDel(server, user)

Deletes the specified user account. Administrator or Account Operator privilege is required to execute this function.

server - Scalar String

The server on which to delete the user.

user - Scalar String

The user account to delete.

UserEnum(server, array[, filter])

Enumerates all the accounts on server that satisfy filter. Unlike the NetUserEnum() function in the API, this function does not allow you to specify a level (internally it is hardcoded to 0). In Perl it is trivial to implement the equivalent function (should you need it) - see "Example 1".

server - Scalar String

The server on which to enumerate the accounts satisfying filter.

array - Array Reference

The array that will hold the names of all users on server whose accounts match filter.

filter - Scalar Int (optional)

The filter to apply (see "USER ENUM FILTER"). This argument is optional and if not present a default of FILTER_NORMAL_ACCOUNT is used.

UserGetGroups(server, user, array)

Get the global groups for which user is a member. It returns the group names in array. Unlike the NetUserGetGroups() function in the API, this function does not allow you to specify a level (internally is hardcoded to 0). In Perl it is trivial to implement the equivalent function (in the unlikely event that you might need it).

server - Scalar String

The server from which to get the groups of which user is a member.

user - Scalar String

The user whose group membership you wish to examine.

array - Scalar String

The array that will contain the group names to which user belongs.

UserGetInfo(server, user, level, hash)

Returns the information at the specified level for the named user in hash.

server - Scalar String

The server from which to get the requested information about user.

user - Scalar String

The user whose information you want.

level - Scalar Int

One of: 0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 and 20. See "USER INFO LEVELS".

hash - Hash Reference

The hash that will contain the keys and values for the information requested. See "USER INFO FIELDS" for information about which keys are present in a given level.

UserGetLocalGroups(server, user, array[, flags])

Gets the names of the local groups of which user is a member. Unlike the NetUserEnum() function in the API, this function does not allow you to specify a level. Since the underlying API restricts you to level 0 there really isn't any need to include it...

server - Scalar String

The server from which to get the local groups of which user is a member.

user - Scalar String

The user whose local group membership you wish to enumerate.

array - Array Reference

The array that will hold the names of the local groups to which user belongs.

flags - Scalar Int <em>(optional)</em>

Either Win32API::Net::LG_INCLUDE_INDIRECT() or 0. if flags is omitted, the function internally uses 0. Specifying LG_INCLUDE_INDIRECT() will include in the list the names of the groups of which the user is indirectly a member (e.g. by being in a global group that is a member of a local group).

This field can take no other values.


This function is not currently implemented.


This function is not currently implemented.

UserSetGroups(server, user, array)

Sets the (global) group membership for user to the specified groups. Unlike the API function NetUserSetGroups(), this function does not take a level parameter (mainly because this option is largely redundant).

server - Scalar String

The server on which you wish to set the group membership for user.

user - Scalar String

The user whose group membership you wish to set.

array - Array Reference

The array containing the (global) group names to set the users membership of.

This function will fail if any of the group names specified do not exist.

UserSetInfo(server, user, level, hash, error)

Sets the info for user according to the information contained in hash for level (see "USER INFO LEVELS").

server - Scalar String

The server on which you wish to change the info for user.

user - Scalar String

The user whose info you wish to change.

level - Scalar Int

One of 0, 1, 2, 3, or 20 (according to Microsoft documentation). In practice, you can use all the 10xx levels as well to change most of the individual properties of the named user - although this may not be supported in future...

hash - Hash Reference

The hash that will contain the necessary key/value pairs required for level (see "USER INFO LEVELS").

error - Scalar Int

Provides information on which field in hash were not properly specified. See "USER FIELD ERRORS" for more information about what values can be returned in this field.


The Group*() functions all operate only on global groups. To modify local groups, use the corresponding LocalGroup*() functions.

Administrator or Account Operator group membership is required to successfully execute most of these functions on a remote server or on a computer that has local security enabled.

The server field can be the empty string, in which case the function defaults to running on the local computer. If you leave this field blank then you should ensure that you are running the function on a PDC or BDC for your current domain. Use the support function GetDCName() to find out what the domain controller is, should you not be running this on the PDC.

The following functions are available.

GroupAdd(server, level, hash, error)

Adds the specified group.

server - Scalar String

The server on which to add the group.

level - Scalar String

The level of information contained in hash. This can be one of 0, 1 or 2. See "GROUP INFO LEVELS".

hash - Hash Reference

A hash containing the required key/value pairs for level.

error - Scalar Int

Provides information on which field in hash was not properly specified. See "GROUP FIELD ERRORS" for more information about what values can be returned in this field.

GroupAddUser(server, group, user)

Adds the specified user to the specified group.

server - Scalar String

The server on which to add the user to group.

group - Scalar String

The group to add the user to.

user - Scalar String

The user to add to group.

GroupDel(server, group)

Deletes the specified global group.

server - Scalar String

The server on which to delete the named group.

group -Scalar String

The group to delete.

GroupDelUser(server, group, user)

Deletes the specified user from the specified group.

server - Scalar String

The server on which to delete user from group.

group - Scalar String

The group from which to delete user.

user - Scalar String

The user to delete from group.

GroupEnum(server, array)

Enumerates all the global groups on the server. Unlike the API call NetGroupEnum(), this function does not allow you to specify a level (internally it is hardcoded to 0). In Perl it is trivial to implement the equivalent function (should you need it).

server - Scalar String

The server on which to enumerate the (global) groups.

array - Array Reference

An array that, on return, will contain the group names.

GroupGetInfo(server, group, level, hash)

Retrieves level information for group returning information in hash.

server - Scalar String

The server from which to get the group information.

group - Scalar String

The group whose information you wish to obtain.

level - Scalar Int

The level of information you wish to retrieve. This can be one of 1, 2 or 3. See "GROUP INFO LEVELS".

hash - Hash Reference

The hash that will contain the information.

GroupGetUsers(server, group, array)

Returns (in array) the users belonging to group. Unlike the API call NetGroupGetUsers(), this function does not allow you to specify a level (internally it is hardcoded to 0). In Perl it is trivial to implement the equivalent function (should you need it).

server - Scalar String

The server from which to get the group information.

group - Scalar String

The group whose users you wish to obtain.

array - Array Reference

The array to hold the user names retrieved.

GroupSetInfo(server, group, level, hash, error)

Sets the information for group according to level.

server - Scalar String

The server on which to set the group information.

group - Scalar String

The group whose information you wish to set.

level - Scalar Int

The level of information you are supplying in hash. Level can be one of 0, 1 or 2. See "GROUP INFO LEVELS".

hash - Hash Reference

The hash containing the required key/value pairs for level.

error - Scalar String

On failure, the error parameter will contain a value which specifies which field caused the error. See "GROUP FIELD ERRORS".

GroupSetUsers(server, group, array)

Sets the membership of group to contain only those users specified in array. This function will fail if any user names contained in the array are not valid users on server. On successful completion group will contain only the users specified in array. Use the functions GroupAddUser()/GroupDelUser() to add and delete individual users from a group.

server - Scalar String

The server on which to set the group membership.

group - Scalar String

The group to set the membership of.

array - Array Reference

The array containing the names of all users who will be members of group.


The LocalGroup*() functions operate on local groups. If these functions are run on a PDC then these functions operate on the domains local groups.

Administrator or Account Operator group membership is required to successfully execute most of these functions on a remote server or on a computer that has local security enabled.

The server field can be the empty string, in which case the function defaults to running on the local computer. If you leave this field blank then you should ensure that you are running the function on a PDC or BDC for your current domain. Use the support function GetDCName() to find out what the domain controller is, should you not be running this on the PDC.

The following functions are available.

LocalGroupAdd(server, level, hash, error)

Adds the specified group. The name of the group is contained in the name key of hash.

server - Scalar String

The server on which to add the group.

level - Scalar String

The level of information contained in hash. This can be one of 0 or 1. See "LOCAL GROUP INFO LEVELS".

hash - Hash Reference

A hash containing the required key/value pairs for level.

error - Scalar Int

Provides information on which field in hash wasn't properly specified. See "LOCAL GROUP FIELD ERRORS" for more information about what values this can take.


This function is obselete in the underlying API and has therefore not been implemented. Use LocalGroupAddMembers instead.

LocalGroupAddMembers(server, group, array)

Adds the specified users (members) to the local group. Unlike the API function NetLocalGroupAddMembers(), this function does not allow you to specify a level (internally it is hardcoded to 3). This was done to simplify the implementation. To add a 'local' user, you need only specify the name. You can also specify users using the DOMAIN\user syntax.

server - Scalar String

The server on which to add the members to group.

group - Scalar String

The group to add the members to.

array - Array Reference

The array containing the members to add to group.

LocalGroupDel(server, group)

Delete the specified local group.

server - Scalar String

The server on which to delete the named group.

group -Scalar String

The group to delete.


This function is obselete in the underlying API and has therefore not been implemented. Use LocalGroupDelMembers() instead.

LocalGroupDelMembers(server, group, array)

Delete the specified users (members) of the local group. Unlike the API function NetLocalGroupDelMembers(), this function does not allow you to specify a level (internally it is hardcoded to 3). This was done to simplify the implementation. To delete a 'local' user, you need only specify the name. You can also specify users using the DOMAIN\user syntax.

server - Scalar String

The server on which to delete the members from group.

group - Scalar String

The group to delete the members from.

array - Array Reference

The array containing the members to delete from group.

LocalGroupEnum(server, array)

Enumerates all the local groups on the server. Unlike the API call NetLocalGroupEnum(), this function does not allow you to specify a level (internally it is hardcoded to 0). In Perl it is trivial to implement the equivalent function (should you need it).

server - Scalar String

The server on which to enumerate the (local) groups.

array - Array Reference

The array to hold the group names.

LocalGroupGetInfo(server, group, level, hash)

Retrieves level information for group.

server - Scalar String

The server from which to get the group information.

group - Scalar String

The group whose information you wish to obtain.

level - Scalar Int

The level of information you wish to retrieve. This can be 0 or 1. See "LOCAL GROUP INFO LEVELS".

hash - Hash Reference

The hash that will contain the information.

LocalGroupGetMembers(server, group, hash)

Retrieves the users belonging to group. Unlike the API call NetLocalGroupGetUsers(), this function does not allow you to specify a level (internally it is hardcoded to 0). In Perl it is trivial to implement the equivalent function (should you need it).

server - Scalar String

The server from which to retrieve the group information.

group - Scalar String

The group whose users you wish to obtain.

array - Array Reference

The array to hold the user names retrieved.

LocalGroupSetInfo(server, level, hash, error)

Sets the information for group according to level.

server - Scalar String

The server on which to set the group information.

group - Scalar String

The group whose information you wish to set.

level - Scalar Int

The level of information you are supplying in hash. Level can be one of 0 or 1. See "LOCAL GROUP INFO LEVELS".

hash - Hash Reference

The hash containing the required key/value pairs for level.

error - Scalar String

On failure, the error parameter will contain a value which specifies which field caused the error. See "LOCAL GROUP FIELD ERRORS".


This function has not been implemented at present.


GetDCName(server, domain, domain-controller)

Gets the domain-controllder name for server and domain.

server - Scalar String

The server whose domain controller you wish to locate.

domain - Scalar String

The domain that server is a member of whose domain-controller you wish the locate.

domain-controller - Scalar String (output)

The name of the domain-controller for the requested domain.

Note: This module does not implement the NetGetAnyDCName()API function as this is obsolete.


Most of the User*() functions take a level parameter. This level specifies how much detail the corresponding hash should contain (or in the case of a UserGet*() function, will contain after the call). The following level descriptions provide information on what fields should be present for a given level. See "USER INFO FIELDS" for a description of the fields.

Level 0


Level 1

name, password, passwordAge, priv, homeDir, comment, flags, scriptPath

Level 2

name, password, passwordAge, priv, homeDir, comment, flags, scriptPath, authFlags, fullName, usrComment, parms, workstations, lastLogon, lastLogoff, acctExpires, maxStorage, unitsPerWeek, logonHours, badPwCount, numLogons, logonServer, countryCode, codePage

Level 3

name, password, passwordAge, priv, homeDir, comment, flags, scriptPath, authFlags, fullName, usrComment, parms, workstations, lastLogon, lastLogoff, acctExpires, maxStorage, unitsPerWeek, logonHours, badPwCount, numLogons, logonServer, countryCode, codePage, userId, primaryGroupId, profile, homeDirDrive, passwordExpired

Level 10

name, comment, usrComment, fullName

Level 11

name, comment, usrComment, fullName, priv, authFlags, passwordAge, homeDir, parms, lastLogon, lastLogoff, badPwCount, numLogons, logonServer, countryCode, workstations, maxStorage, unitsPerWeek, logonHours, codePage

Level 20

name, fullName, comment, flags, userId

Level 21

Not available in this implementation

Level 22

Not available in this implementation

Level 1003


Level 1005


Level 1006


Level 1007


Level 1008


Level 1009


Level 1010


Level 1011


Level 1012


Level 1013


Level 1014


Level 1017


Level 1018


Level 1020

unitsPerWeek, logonHours

Level 1023


Level 1024


Level 1025


Level 1051


Level 1052


Level 1053



The following is an alphabetical listing of each possible field, together with the data type that the field is expected to contain.

acctExpires - Scalar Int (UTC)

The time (as the number of seconds since 00:00:00, 1st January 1970) when the account expires. A -1 in this field specifies that the account never expires.

authFlags - Scalar Int (See USER_AUTH_FLAGS).

The level of authority that this use has. The value this can take depends on the users group membership - this value is therefore read only and cannot be set using UserAdd() or UserSetInfo(). Its value can be one of:

User belongs to group		Flag value
---------------------		----------
Print Operators			Win32API::Net::AF_OP_PRINT()
Server Operators		Win32API::Net::AF_OP_SERVER()
Account Operators		Win32API::Net::AF_OP_ACCOUNTS()
badPwCount - Scalar Int

The number of times that the user has failed to logon by specifying an incorrect password.

codePage - Scalar Int

The code page that this user uses.

comment - Scalar String

The comment associated with this user account. This can be any string (apparently of any length).

countryCode - Scalar Int

The country code that this user uses.

flags - Scalar Int (Bitwise OR of USER_FLAGS)

The flags for this user. See "USER FLAGS".

fullName - Scalar String

The users' full name.

homeDir - Scalar String

The home directory of the user. This can be either a UNC path or an absolute path (drive letter + path). Can be the empty string ("").

homeDirDrive - Scalar String

The home directory drive that the users home directory is mapped to (assuming that the specified home directory is a UNC path).

lastLogon - Scalar Int (UTC)

The time (as the number of seconds since 00:00:00, 1st January 1970) that the user last logged on.

lastLogoff - Scalar Int (UTC)

The time (as the number of seconds since 00:00:00, 1st January 1970) that the user last logged off .

logonHours - Reference to Array of Integers (length 21 elements)

The times at which the user can logon. This should be an integer array with 21 elements. Each element represents an 8 hour period and each bit represents represents an hour. Only the lower byte of each integer is used. If this is left undefined then no restrictions are placed on the account.

logonServer - Scalar String

The logon server for this user. Under Windows NT, this value cannot be set and will always have the value '\\*' when queried.

maxStorage - Scalar Int

The current release of Windows NT does not implement disk quotas so it is believed that the value of this key is ignored.

name - Scalar String

The user name that this request applies to. Most of the functions take the user name as a separate argument. In general, the user name provided should be the same as that in the one provided in the hash.

numLogons - Scalar Int

The number of times that the named user has successfully logged on to this machine/domain.

parms - Scalar String

The value of this key can be used by applications. There are none known to to author that use it, although it could be used to hold adminitrative information.

password - Scalar String

The password to be set. The password is never returned in a UserGet() operation.

passwordAge - Scalar Int (UTC)

The current age of the password (stored as the number of seconds since 00:00:00, 1st January 1970).

passwordExpired - Scalar Int

The value of this key is used in two different ways. When queried via UserGetInfo() the return value is 0 is the password has not expired and 1 if it has. When setting the value via UserAdd() or UserSetInfo() a value of 0 indicates that the users' password has not expired whereas a value of 1 will force the user to change their password at the next logon.

primaryGroupId - Scalar Int

The id of the primary group that this user belongs to. When creating accounts with UserAdd() you should use a value of 0x201.

priv - Scalar Int (Bitwise OR of USER_PRIVILEGE_FLAGS)

The privilege level that this user has. This is never returned from a UserGet() call. See "USER PRIVILEGE FLAGS".

profile - Scalar String

The profile that is associated with the named user. This can be UNC path, a local path or undefined.

scriptPath - Scalar String

The path to the logon script for this user. This should be specified as a relative path and will cause the logon script to be run from (relative location) in the logon servers export directory.

unitsPerWeek - Scalar Int

The value of this key represents the granularity of the logonHours array. Its use is beyond the scope of this package.

usrComment - Scalar String

The user comment field (contrasted with the comment field ;-).

workstations - Scalar String

A comma-separated string containing upto 8 workstation that the named user can login to. Setting a value for this key will then allow the named user to login to only those computers named.

userId - Scalar Int

The user id associated with this user This value is generated by the system and cannot be set or changed using the UserAdd() or UserSetInfo() calls.


The following is an alphabetical listing of the user flags. The flags key (see "USER INFO FIELDS") should be the bitwise OR of one or more of these values.


This account has been disabled.


Never expire the password on this account.


A home directory must be specified (ignored for NT).


The account represents a interdomain trust account.


Lock out this account (or this account has been locked out due to security policy - i.e. badLogonCount is greater than your policy allows). This value can be cleared but not set by a UserSetInfo() call.


The account is a normal user account.


The password for this account cannot be changed (execpt by an Administrator using one of the above calls).


A password is not required for this account.


This <strong>must be set when creating account on Windows NT.


The account represents a Windows NT Backup Domain Controller account in the domain.


To quote the Microsoft Documentation <em>&quot;This is an account for users whose primary account is in another domain. This account provides user access to this domain, but not to any domain that trusts this domain. The User Manager refers to this account type as a local user account.


The account represents a computer account for a workstation or server in the domain.

Please note that these are implemented as functions and are therefore called in the same way as other functions. You should typically use them like:

$ufScript = Win32API::Net::UF_SCRIPT();


These following values are used in the priv key. This field is never initialised on a UserGet*() call and once set cannot be changed in a UserSetInfo() call.


Account is an an administrative account.


Account is a guest account.


Account is a user account.

Please note that these are implemented as functions and are therefore called in the same way as other functions. You should typically use them like:

$userPrivUser = Win32API::Net::USER_PRIV_USER();


These flags are used in the UserEnum() function to specify which accounts to retrieve. It should be a bitwise OR of some (or all) of the following.


Show temporary duplicate account (one presumes).


Show normal user account.


Show interdomain trust accounts.


Show workstation trust accounts.


Show server trust accounts.

Please note that these are implemented as functions and are therefore called in the same way as other functions. You should typically use them like:

$filterNormalAccounts = Win32API::Net::FILTER_NORMAL_ACCOUNT();


For the User*() functions that take an error parameter this variable will, on failure, contain one of the following constants. Note that the function may fail because more than one key/value was missing from the input hash. You will only find out about the first one that was incorrectly specified. This is only really useful in debugging.


acctExpires field was absent or not correctly specified.


authFlags field was absent or not correctly specified.


badPasswordCount field was absent or not correctly specified.


codePage field was absent or not correctly specified.


comment field was absent or not correctly specified.


countryCode field was absent or not correctly specified.


flags field was absent or not correctly specified.


fullName field was absent or not correctly specified.


homeDirDrive field was absent or not correctly specified.


homeDir field was absent or not correctly specified.


lastLogoff field was absent or not correctly specified.


lastLogon field was absent or not correctly specified.


logonHours field was absent or not correctly specified.


logonServer field was absent or not correctly specified.


maxStorage field was absent or not correctly specified.


name field was absent or not correctly specified.


numLogons field was absent or not correctly specified.


parms field was absent or not correctly specified.


passwordAge field was absent or not correctly specified.


password field was absent or not correctly specified.


primaryGroup field was absent or not correctly specified.


priv field was absent or not correctly specified.


profile field was absent or not correctly specified.


scriptPath field was absent or not correctly specified.


unitPerWeek field was absent or not correctly specified.


usrComment field was absent or not correctly specified.


workstations field was absent or not correctly specified.


Some of the Group*() functions take a level parameter. This level specifies how much detail the corresponding hash should contain (or in the case of a GroupGetInfo() function, will contain after the call). The following level descriptions provide information on what fields should be present for a given level. See "GROUP INFO FIELDS" for a description of the fields.

Level 0


Level 1

name, comment.

Level 2

name, comment, groupId, attributes.

Level 1002


Level 1005



attributes - Scalar Int

The attributes of the group. These are no longer settable in Windows NT 4.0 and they are not currently supported in this package either.

comment - Scalar String

The comment that applies to this group. This is the only value that can be set via a GroupSetInfo call.

groupId - Scalar Int

The groups Id.

name - Scalar String

The groups name.


For the Group*() functions that take an error parameter this variable will, on failure, contain one of the following constants. Note that the function may fail because more than one key/value was missing from the input hash. You will only find out about the first one that was incorrectly specified. This is only really useful for debugging purposes.


attributes field was absent or not correctly specified.


comment field was absent or not correctly specified.


name field was absent or not correctly specified.


The GroupGetUsers() function can take a level of 0 or 1. These will return the following:

Level 0


Level 1

name, attributes.


name - Scalar String

The user's name.

attributes - Scalar Int

The attributes of the group. These are no longer settable in Windows NT 4.0 and they are not currently supported in this package either.


Level 0


Level 1

name, comment

Level 1002



name - Scalar String

The groups name

comment - Scalar String

The groups 'comment'


For the LocalGroup*() functions that take an error parameter this variable will, on failure, contain one of the following constants. Note that the function may fail because more than one key/value was missing or incorrectly specified in the input hash. You will only find out about the first one that was incorrectly specified. This is only really useful for debugging purposes.


The name field was absent or not correctly specified.


The comment field wasabsent or not correctly specified.


The following example shows how you can create a function in Perl that has the same functionality as the NetUserEnum() API call. The Perl version doesn't have the level parameter so you must first use the UserEnum() function to retrieve all the account names and then iterate through the returned array issuing UserGetInfo() calls.

    sub userEnumAtLevel {
       my($server, $level, $filter) = @_;
       Win32API::Net::UserEnum($server, \@array, $filter);
       for $user (@array) {
	  Win32API::Net::UserGetInfo($server, $user, $level, \%hash);
	  print "This could access all level $level settings for $user - eg fullName $hash{fullName}\n";
    userEnumAtLevel("", 2, 0);


Bret Giddings, <>




This work was built upon work done by HiP Communications along with modifications to HiPs code by <> and <>. In addition, I would like to thank Jenny Emby at GEC Marconi, U.K. for proof reading this manual page and making many suggestions that have led to its current layout. Last but not least I would like to thank Larry Wall and all the other Perl contributors for making this truly wonderful language.