ChangeNotify - monitor events related to files
use Win32::ChangeNotify;
$Obj->Wait(INFINITE) or warn "Something failed: $!\n";
# There has been a change.
This module allows the user to create a change notification event object in Perl. This object allows the Perl program to monitor events relating to files and directory trees.
The ChangeNotify module is written entirely in C++. So here is a list of the members etc. (Note: no functions are exported)
- FindFirst($Obj,$PathName,$WathSubTree,$Filter)
This is the constructor for the object. An instantiated object is returned in $Obj. Args: $Obj The container for the created object. $WatchSubTree A boolean value defining whether the subtree should be included. $Filter See the exported values below to see the options for this.
- FindNext()
This method starts the monitoring.
- Wait( $TimeOut )
This method starts the waiting on the change.
- Close()
This method stops the monitoring.