TODO - seeds germane, yet not germinated
The following functionality will be supported in the next few releases.
- $Data::Dumper::Freezer or $OBJ->Freezer([NEWVAL])
Can be set to the method name that you want Dumper to call before attempting to stringify an object. This method can alter the contents of the object (if, for instance, it contains data allocated from C), and even rebless it in a different package. The client is responsible for making sure the specified method can be called via the object, and that the object ends up containing only perl data types after the method has been called. (This will be added when 5.004, which has UNIVERSAL::isa, is released.)
- $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth or $OBJ->Maxdepth(NEWVAL)
Depth beyond which we don't venture into a structure. Has no effect when
is set. (useful in debugger when we often don't want to see more than enough). - $Data::Dumper::Expdepth or $OBJ->Expdepth(NEWVAL)
Dump contents explicitly up to a certain depth and then use names for cross-referencing identical references. (useful in debugger, in situations where we don't care so much for cross-references).