FusionInventory::Agent::SOAP::VMware::Host - VMware Host abstraction layer


The module is an abstraction layer to access the VMware host.


new($class, %params)

Returns an object.

getBootTime( $self )

Returns the date in the following format: 2012-12-31T12:59:59

getHostname( $self )

Returns the host name.

getBiosInfo( $self )

Returns the BIOS (BDATE, BVERSION, SMODEL, SMANUFACTURER, ASSETTAG, SSN) information in an HASH reference.

getHardwareInfo( $self )

Returns hardware information in a hash reference.

getCPUs( $self )

Returns CPU information (hash ref) in an array.

getControllers( $self )

Returns PCI controller information (hash ref) in an array.

getNetworks( $self )

Returns the networks configuration in an array.

getStorages( $self )

Returns the storage devices in an array.

getDrives( $self )

Returns the hard drive partitions in an array.

getVirtualMachines( $self )

Retuns the Virtual Machines in an array.