Changes for version 0.1.9

  • Fixed a bug when the cli command 'database show' was used with a small asterisk database (single entry) that would cause the response to not be parsed correctly, causing it to never complete. Also affected AMI::Common::db_show();
  • Fixing some of our OO implementation to make it more correct and to properly isolate seperate instances of our object from each other
  • Now after calling destroy() any further calls to methods on that object will simple fail
  • Optimized the regex and method used for splitting 'Action: Command' output
  • Cleaned up some logic in a few subroutines
  • Fixed some more typos in the documentation


Perl moduling for interacting with the Asterisk Manager Interface
Extends the AMI module to provide simple access to common AMI commands and functions
Extends AMI::Common to include functions for the current development branch of asterisk