WebService::Google::Reader - Perl interface to the Google Reader API
use WebService::Google::Reader;
my $reader = WebService::Google::Reader->new(
host => '',
username => $user,
password => $pass,
my $feed = $reader->unread(count => 100);
my @entries = $feed->entries;
# Fetch past entries.
while ($reader->more($feed)) {
my @entries = $feed->entries;
The WebService::Google::Reader
module provides an interface to webservices using the Google Reader API. The only tested webservice at this time is
- $reader = WebService::Google::Reader->new
Creates a new WebService::Google::Reader object. The following named parameters are accepted:
- host
The hostname of the service.
- username and password
Required for accessing any personalized or account-related functionality (reading-list, editing, etc.).
- https / secure
Use https scheme for all requests, even when not required.
- ua
An optional useragent object.
- debug
Enable debugging. Default: 0. This will dump the headers and content for both requests and responses.
- compress
Disable compression. Default: 1. This is useful when debugging is enabled and you want to read the response content.
- $error = $reader->error
Returns the error string, if any.
- $response = $reader->response
Returns an HTTP::Response object for the last submitted request. Can be used to determine the details of an error.
Feed generators
The following methods request an ATOM feed and return a subclass of XML::Atom::Feed
. These methods accept the following optional named parameters:
- order / sort
The sort order of the entries: desc (default) or asc in time. When ordering by asc, Google only returns entries within 30 days, whereas the default order has no limitation.
- start_time
Request entries only newer than this time (represented as a unix timestamp).
Accepts a hash reference to one or more of feed / tag / state. Each of which is a scalar or array reference.
- feed($feed)
Accepts a single feed url.
- tag($tag)
Accepts a single tag name. See "TAGS"
- state($state)
Accepts a single state name. See "STATES".
Shortcut for state('broadcast').
- starred
Shortcut for state('starred').
- unread
Shortcut for state('reading-list', exclude => { state => 'read' })
- liked
Shortcut for state('like').
- search($query, %params)
Accepts a query string and the following named parameters:
- feed / state / tag
One or more (as a array reference) feed / state / tag to search. The default is to search all feed subscriptions.
- results
The total number of search results: defaults to 1000.
- count
The number of entries per fetch: defaults to 40.
- order / sort
The sort order of the entries: desc (default) or asc in time.
- more / previous / next
A feed generator only returns $count entries. If more are available, calling this method will return a feed with the next $count entries.
List generators
The following methods return an object of type WebService::Google::Reader::ListElement
- counts
Returns a list of subscriptions and a count of unread entries. Also listed are any tags or states which have positive unread counts. The following accessors are provided: id, count. The maximum count reported is 1000.
- feeds
Returns the list of user subscriptions. The following accessors are provided: id, title, categories, firstitemmsec. categories is a reference to a list of
s providing accessors: id, label. - preferences
Returns the list of preference settings. The following accessors are provided: id, value.
Returns the list of user-created tags. The following accessors are provided: id, shared.
- userinfo
Returns the list of user information. The following accessors are provided: isBloggerUser, userId, userEmail.
Edit feeds
The following methods are used to edit feed subscriptions.
- edit_feed($feed|[@feeds], %params)
Requires a feed url or Feed object, or a reference to a list of them. The following named parameters are accepted:
- subscribe / unsubscribe
Flag indicating whether the target feeds should be added or removed from the user's subscriptions.
- title
Accepts a title to associate with the feed. This probaby wouldn't make sense to use when there are multiple feeds. (Maybe later will consider allowing a list here and zipping the feed and title lists).
- tag / state / untag / unstate
Accepts a tag / state or a reference to a list of tags / states for which to associate / unassociate the target feeds.
- state_feed($feed|[@feeds], @states)
- unstate_feed($feed|[@feeds], @states)
Associate / unassociate a list of tags / states from a feed / feeds.
- subscribe(@feeds|[@feeds])
- unsubscribe(@feeds|[@feeds])
Subscribe or unsubscribe from a list of feeds.
- rename_feed($feed|[@feeds], $title)
Renames a feed to the given title.
- mark_read_feed(@feeds|[@feeds])
Marks the feeds as read.
Edit tags / states
The following methods are used to edit tags and states.
- edit_state($state|[@states], %params)
Accepts the following parameters.
Associate / unassociate the 'broadcast' state with the given tags / states.
Delete the given tags.
Renames the tags associated with any feeds.
Renames the tags associated with any individual entries.
Calls rename_feed_tag and rename_entry_tag, and finally delete_tag.
- mark_read_state(@states|[@states])
Marks all entries as read for the given tags / states.
Edit entries
The following methods are used to edit individual entries.
- edit_entry($entry|[@entries], %params)
Associate / unassociate the entries with the given tags / states.
Marks all the given entries as "broadcast".
- star(@entries|[@entries])
- star_entry(@entries|[@entries])
- unstar(@entries|[@entries])
- unstar_entry(@entries|[@entries])
Marks / unmarks all the given entries as "starred".
- mark_read_entry(@entries|[@entries])
Marks all the given entries as "read".
- like(@entries|[@entries])
- like_entry(@entries|[@entries])
- unlike(@entries|[@entries])
- unlike_entry(@entries|[@entries])
Marks / unmarks all the given entries as "liked".
These are a list of other useful methods.
- edit_preference($key, $value)
Sets the given preference name to the given value.
- opml
Exports feed subscriptions as OPML.
- ping
Returns true / false on success / failure. Unsure of when this needs to be used.
Private methods
The following private methods may be of use to others.
- _login
This is automatically called from within methods that require authorization. An optional parameter is accepted which when true, will force a login even if a previous login was successful. The end result of a successful login is to set the auth token.
- _request
Given an
, this will perform the request and if the response indicates a bad (expired) token, it will request another token before performing the request again. Returns anHTTP::Response
on success, false on failure (check error). - _token
This is automatically called from within methods that require a user token. If successful, the token is available via the token accessor.
- _states
Returns a list of all the known states. See "STATES".
The following characters are not allowed: "<>?&/\^
These are tags in a Google-specific namespace. The following are all the known used states.
- read
Entries which have been read.
- kept-unread
Entries which have been read, but marked unread.
- fresh
New entries from reading-list.
- starred
Entries which have been starred.
- broadcast
Entries which have been shared and made publicly available.
- reading-list
Entries from all subscriptions.
- tracking-body-link-used
Entries for which a link in the body has been clicked.
- tracking-emailed
Entries which have been mailed.
- tracking-item-link-used
Entries for which the title link has been clicked.
- tracking-kept-unread
Entries which have been kept unread. (Not sure how this differs from "kept-unread").
Please report any bugs or feature requests to I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc WebService::Google::Reader
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Copyright (C) 2007-2013 gray <gray at>, all rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
gray, <gray at>