approve_friends - Approve new friends and post a comment to them


Version 0.06


approve_friends [-m message] [-y] [-u username -p password] [-nc] [-f filename] [-c cache_file]

approve_friends [-f filename.yaml]

The first form of the command specifies arguments on the command line. If the -f flag is used, the username, password, and message will be read from the file. The username on the first line, password on the second, and message on the remaining lines.

The second form of the command takes a YAML configuration file. Any other command-line arguments will be ignored.

Note that the ability to specify the cache file lets you set a different file if you have multiple accounts. If you use the same cache_file as you do for the "comment" script (and you should), both scripts will avoid posting to users you've already commented with either script. This allows you to run them concurrently.


Sample YAML config file:

password: ILikePasswords
message: |
  This is a message.
  It is a few lines long
  - Me
silent: 1  # Or 0 (default)
no_comment: 1  # Or 0 (default)
cache_file: /home/joe/approve_cache