Apache::Util - Interface to Apache C util functions


use Apache::Util qw(:all);


This module provides a Perl interface to some of the C utility functions available in Perl. The same functionality is avaliable in libwww-perl, but the C versions are faster:

use Benchmark;
timethese(1000, {
    C => sub { my $esc = Apache::Util::escape_html($html) },
    Perl => sub { my $esc = HTML::Entities::encode($html) },

Benchmark: timing 1000 iterations of C, Perl...
        C:  0 secs ( 0.17 usr  0.00 sys =  0.17 cpu)
     Perl: 15 secs (15.06 usr  0.04 sys = 15.10 cpu) 

use Benchmark;
timethese(10000, {
    C => sub { my $esc = Apache::Util::escape_uri($uri) },
    Perl => sub { my $esc = URI::Escape::uri_escape($uri) },

Benchmark: timing 10000 iterations of C, Perl...
        C:  0 secs ( 0.55 usr  0.01 sys =  0.56 cpu)
     Perl:  2 secs ( 1.78 usr  0.01 sys =  1.79 cpu) 



This routine replaces unsafe characters in $string with their entity representation.

my $esc = Apache::Util::escape_html($html);

This function will correctly escape US-ASCII output. If you are using a different character set such as UTF8, or need more control on the escaping process, use HTML::Entities.


This function replaces all unsafe characters in the $string with their escape sequence and returns the result.

my $esc = Apache::Util::escape_uri($uri);

This function decodes all %XX hex escape sequences in the given URI.

my $unescaped = Apache::Util::unescape_uri($safe_uri); 

This function is similar to unescape_uri() but is specialized to remove escape sequences from the query string portion of the URI. The main difference is that it translates the ``+'' character into spaces as well as recognizing and translating the hex escapes.


$string = $r->uri->query;
my %data = map { Apache::Util::unescape_uri_info($_) }
             split /[=&]/, $string, -1;

This would correctly translate the query string
``name=Fred+Flintstone&town=Bedrock'' into the hash: 

name => 'Fred Flintstone',
town => 'Bedrock'

Parses an HTTP date in one of three standard forms:

Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT  ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123

Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036

Sun Nov  6 08:49:37 1994       ; ANSI C's asctime() format       


my $secs = Apache::Util::parsedate($date_str);

Format a time string.


my $str = Apache::Util::ht_time(time);

my $str = Apache::Util::ht_time(time, "%d %b %Y %T %Z");

my $str = Apache::Util::ht_time(time, "%d %b %Y %T %Z", 0);

Converts the given file size into a formatted string. The size given in the string will be in units of bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes, depending on the size.

my $size = Apache::Util::size_string -s $r->finfo;

Validate a plaintext password against a smashed one. Use either crypt() (if available), ap_MD5Encode() or ap_SHA1Encode depending upon the format of the smashed input password.

Returns true if they match, false otherwise.

if (Apache::Util::validate_password("slipknot", "aXYx4GnaCrDQc")) {
    print "password match\n";
else {
    print "password mismatch\n";


Doug MacEachern

