ocsinventory-agent - Unified client for OCS-Inventory


ocsinventory-agent [ -fhilpruw ] [ --server server | --local /tmp ]...


% ocsinventory-agent --server localhost
# sent an inventory to the OCS server

% ocsinventory-agent --server http://localhost/ocsinventory2
# sent an inventory over http to a server with a non standard
# virtual directory

% ocsinventory-agent --server https://localhost/ocsinventory
# sent an inventory over https to the OCS server

% ocsinventory-agent --local /tmp
# write an inventory in the /tmp directory

% ocsinventory-agent --server localhost --user=toto --password=pw --realm="Restricted Area"
# send a report to a server protected by a basic authentification 


ocsinventory-agent creates inventory and sent or write them.


Most of the options are available in a short form and a long form. For example, the two lines below are all equivalent:

% ocsinventory-agent -s localhost 
% ocsinventory-agent --server localhost 
-d, --daemon

Launch ocsinventory-agent in background. Proc::Daemon is needed.


Turn the debug mode on.

-f, --force

The agent will first contact the server during the PROLOG period. If the server doesn't know the machin or have outdated information, it will ask for an inventory. With this option, the agent doesn't run the PROLOG with the server first but directly send an inventory.

-i, --info

Turn the verbose mode on. The flag is ignored if --debug is enable.

-l, --local=DIR

Write an inventory in the DIR directory. A new file will be created if needed.


Log message in FILE.

-p, --password=PASSWORD

Use PASSWORD for an HTTP identification with the server.

-r, --realm=REALM

Use REALM for an HTTP identification with the server. For example, the value can be 'Restricted Area'. You can find it in the login popup of your Internet browser.

-s, --server=URI

The uri of the server. If URI doesn't start with http:// or https://, the assume the parameter is a hostname and rewrite it like that:

% http://servername/ocsinventory

If you want to use https or another virtual directory you need to enter the full path.


Print the inventory on stdout.

% ocsinventory-agent --stdout > /tmp/report.xml
# prepare an inventory and write it in the /tmp/report.xml file.
# A file will be created.

Mark the machin with the TAG tag. Once the initial inventory is accepted by the server this value is ignored and you've to change the information directly on the server.

-u, --user=USER

Use USER for the server authentification.


Print the version and exit.

-w, --wait

Wait during a random period and then send the report to the server

% ocsinventory-agent --wait --server localhost

Do not inventory the software installed on the machin.


Goneri LE BOUDER (maintainer), Pascal DANEK, Olivier ANDREOTTI, Thierry LACOSTE, Didier LIROULET


Copyright (C) 2006 2007 Gonéri LE BOUDER <>

Copyright (C) 2005 2006 Pascal DANEK <>

Copyright (C) 2007 Olivier ANDREOTTI <>

Copyright (C) 2007 Thierry LACOSTE <>

Copyright (C) 2007 Didier LIROULET <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 526:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 532:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Gonéri'. Assuming UTF-8