Changes for version 1.02 - 2014-11-30
- bugfix: bin/metabrik: document --script option
- bugfix: core::context: brik_init on first run only when it is not a base class Command
- new: metabrik: new_from_brik() method
Changes for version 1.20.0
- FEATURE: core::context: allow one-liners with a Brik Command. Example: perl -MMetabrik::Core::Context -e 'Metabrik::Core::Context->new_brik_run("client::dns", "mx_lookup", "")'
- FEATURE: core::context: allow to pass Code, ARRAY or HASH as Argument to set Command
- FEATURE: core::global: repository Attribute to store default Briks repository
- FEATURE: easy update: thanks to brik::tool from Repository
- FEATURE: pod: most of the documentation is written
- FEATURE: Metabrik: need_packages and need_services Properties to easy installation of needed packages and services to start.
- UPDATE: Metabrik: only core::* Briks now, all others moved to Repository
- UPDATE: Metabrik: brik_preinit, brik_init and brik_fini are now official Commands
- new: Metabrik: brik_help_run_undef_arg, brik_help_run_invalid_arg, brik_help_run_empty_array_arg, brik_help_run_file_not_found, brik_help_set_undef_arg, brik_help_run_must_be_root and brik_help_run_directory_not_found Commands
- new: perl::module: use_test Attribute to activate test on module installation
- update: perl::module: install correctly supports ARRAY of modules to install
- bugfix: shell::rc, shell::script: add a trailing whitespace on multilines
There is Brik for that.
core::context Brik
core::global Brik
core::log Brik
core::shell Brik