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Log - A simple Object Orientated Logger


use Log;

# Pretty format, all the parameters
my $log = Log->new({
  debug           => 4,                   # Set the debug level
  logFileName     => 'myLogFile.log',     # define the log filename
  logFileMode     => '>',                 # '>>' Append or '>' overwrite
  dateTimeStamp   => 1,                   # Timestamp log data entries
  stderrRedirect  => 1,                   # Redirect STDERR to the log file
  defaultFile     => 1,                   # Use the log file as the default filehandle
  logFileDateTime => 1,                   # Timestamp the log filename
  appName         => 'myApplicationName', # The name of the application
  PIDstamp        => 1,                   # Stamp the log data with the Process ID
  storeExpText    => 1,                   # Store internally all exp text

# Minimal instance, logfile name based on application name
my $log = Log->new();

# Typical usage, set the debug level and log filename (say from a config file)
my $log = Log->new(debug => $debugLevel, logFileName => $logFileName,);

# Print message to the log file if the debug is >= 2
$log->msg(2, "Add this to the log file if debug >= 2 \n");

# Print an exception (error) message to the log file
$log->exp("Something went wrong\n");

# Close the log file (optional at exit)

# Change the debug level, capturing the old value
$oldDebugValue     = $log->debugValue($newDebugValue);

$currentDebugValue = $log->debugValue();

# Get all the exceptions text (so you can do something with all the errors, eg email them)
$allExceptions     = $log->getExpText();

$numberErrors      = $log->expCnt();        # How many times has $log->exp been called


Log is a class providing methods to log data to a file. There are a number of parameters that can be passed to allow configuration of the logger.


Carp (confess is used), FindBin and Symbol;


There are no class methods, the object methods are described below. Private class method start with the underscore character '_' and should be treated as Private.


Called to create a Log object. The following optional named parameters can be passed to the constructor via an anonymous hash:


Used to set the debug level. The default level is 9. The debug level is used by other methods to determine if data is logged or ignored. See msg and exp methods.


Defines the path and name of the log file that is written too. If not defined then the value of appName with '.log' appended is used. If appName is not defined in the constructor then BinFind is used to determine the name of the application.


Used to determine if the log file is overwritten or appended too. Default is append. Valid value are '>' for overwrite and '>>' for append.


If true (default is false), then each entry written to the log file using the msg and exp methods has the current date and time prepended to the data.


If true (default is true), then redirect STDERR to the log file.


If true (default is false), then select the log file as the default output file.


If true (default is false), then include the date and time into the name of the log file just before the '.log'. The format of the date and time used is _YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS


If logFileName is not defined then the appName is used as the basis of the log file. If appName is not defined then the FindBin module is use to determine the name of the application and is stored within the appName hash variable.


If true (default is false), then the Process ID is prepended to the data written to the log file by the msg and exp methods. This is handy when there are more than one processes writting to the same log file.


If true (default is false), then any data written with the exp method is also stored internally for later retrival with the getExpText method. The stored data can also be cleared with the clearExpText method. This can be useful if there may be multiple exceptions which you then want to report on (other than in the log file) as one text string.

_init & Private methods

Private method to initialise the object on construction. Called by new(). All Private methods start with _ and should be treated as PRIVATE. No other private methods are documented (since they are private).


The msg method is used to log a message to the log file. The first POSITIONAL argument to msg is the "debug level" at which the message should be added to the log file if the instance "debug value" is greater than or equal to the "debug level".

The second and optional subsiquent arguments are treated as text to print to the log file.

eg. $log->msg(2, "Printed to log file if 'debug' is greater than or equal to 2 \n");

Note that newline characters are not automatically appended by this method.


exp is used to report exceptions. There is no "debug level" parameter, just one or more text strings which are printed to the log file. The text printed has "**" prepended to each line (this occurs before prepended timestamp or PID values).

Note that newline characters are not automatically appended by this method.


Closes the file handle associated with the log file.


DESTROY is defined and closes the file handle associated with the log file.


The PIDstamp method can be used to set or get the value of the PIDstamp instance variable. If called without parameters, the current value of the PIDstamp instance variable is returned. If called with a parameter, the parameter is used to set the PIDstamp instance variable and the previous value is returned.

Refer to the new method for further information.


The dateTimeStamp method can be used to set or get the value of the dateTimeStamp instance variable. If called without parameters, the current value of the dateTimeStamp instance variable is returned. If called with a parameter, the parameter is used to set the dateTimeStamp instance variable and the previous value is returned.

Refer to the new method for further information.


The debugValue method can be used to set or get the value of the debugValue instance variable. If called without parameters, the current value of the debugValue instance variable is returned. If called with a parameter, the parameter is used to set the debugValue instance variable and the previous value is returned.

Refer to the new method for further information.


The expText method can be used to set or get the value of the storeexptext instance variable. If called without parameters, the current value of the storeexptext instance variable is returned. If called with a parameter, the parameter is used to set the storeexptext instance variable and the previous value is returned.

Refer to the new method for further information.


The expText method is used to retreive the stored value of the instance "Exception Text".


The clearExpText method is used to clear the stored value of the instance "Exception Text".


The expCnt method is used to retreive the number of times that the exp method has been called for this object.


The getFileName method is used to retreive the actual log file name used for this object.


see the new method.


None, however please contact the author at should you find any problems and I will endevour to resolve then as soon as possible.

If you have any enhancement suggestions please send me an email and I will try to accommodate your suggestion.


Greg George, IT Technology Solutions P/L, Australia
Mobile: +61-404-892-159, Email:


Copyright (c) 1999- Greg George. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


$Id:,v 1.2 2004/10/08 23:10:14 Greg Exp $


$Log:,v $
Revision 1.2  2004/10/08 23:10:14  Greg
- Changed new() to allow named argument as well as the anonymous hash reference.

Revision  2004/07/29 11:15:06  Greg
- Initial release to CPAN