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Class::HPLOO - Easier way to declare classes on Perl, based in the popular class {...} style and ePod.


This is the implemantation of OO-Classes for HPL. This bring a easy way to create PM classes, but with HPL resources/style.


  use Class::HPLOO ;

  class Foo extends Bar , Baz {
    use LWP::Simple qw(get) ; ## import the method get() to this package.
    vars ($GLOBAL_VAR) ; ## same as: use vars qw($GLOBAL_VAR);
    my ($local_var) ;
    ## constructor/initializer:
    sub Foo {
      $this->{attr} = $_[0] ;
    ## methods with input variables declared:
    sub get_pages ($base , \@pages , \%options) {
      my @htmls ;
      if ( $options{proxy} ) { ... }
      foreach my $pages_i ( @pages ) {
        my $url = "$base/$pages_i" ;
        my $html = get($url) ;
        push(@htmls , $html) ;
        $this->cache($url , $html) ;
      return @htmls ;
    ## methos like a normal Perl sub:
    sub cache {
      my ( $url , $html ) = @_ ;
      $this->{CACHE}{$url} = $html ;
  ## Example of use of the class:
  package main ;
  my $foo = new Foo(123) ;
  $foo->get_pages('', ['/','/foo'] , {proxy => 'localhost:8080'}) ;


The "method" new() is automatically declared by Class::HPLOO, then it calls the initializer that is a method with the name of the class, like Java.

  class Foo extends {
    ## initializer:
    sub Foo {
      $this->{attr} = $_[0] ;

** Note that what the initializer returns is ignored! Unless you return a new constructed object or UNDEF. Return UNDEF (a constant of the class) makes the creation of the object return undef.


Use DESTROY() like a normal Perl package.


All the methods of the classes are declared like a normal sub.

You can declare the input variables to reaceive the arguments of the method:

  sub methodx ($arg1 , $arg2 , \@listref , \%hasref , @rest) {
  ## Calling:
  $foo->methodx(123 , 456 , [0,1,2] , {k1 => 'x'} , 7 , 8 , 9 ) ;


You can use HTML blocks in the class like in HPL documents:

  class Foo {
    sub test {
      print <% html_test>(123) ;
    <% html_test($n)
      NUMBER: $n


From version 0.04+ you can declare sub-classes:

  class foo {
    class subfoo { ... }

You also can handle the base name of a class adding "." in the begin of the class name:

  class foo {
    class .in { ... }

The class name .in will be translated to foo::in.


You can dump the generated code:

  use Class::HPLOO qw(dump nice) ;

** The nice option just try to make a cleaner code.


The script "" can be used to convert .hploo files .pm files.

Soo, tou can write a Perl Module with Class::HPLOO and release it as a normal .pm file without need Class::HPLOO installed.

If you have ePod (0.03+) installed you can use ePod to write your documentation. For .hploo files the ePod need to be alwasy after __END__.

Note that ePod accepts POD syntax too, soo you still can use normal POD for documentation.


Perl6::Classes, HPL.


Graciliano M. P. <>

I will appreciate any type of feedback (include your opinions and/or suggestions). ;-P


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.