Pod::HtmlEasy - Generate easy and personalized HTML from PODs, without extra modules and on "the flight".
This documentation refers to Pod::HtmlEasy version 0.09.
The purpose of this module is to generate HTML data from POD in a easy and personalized mode.
By default the HTML generated is similar to the CPAN site style for module documentation.
Simple usage:
my $podhtml = Pod::HtmlEasy->new() ;
my $html = $podhtml->pod2html( 'test.pod' ) ;
print "$html\n" ;
Complete usage:
use Pod::HtmlEasy ;
Create the object and set local events subs:
Note that these are all the events, and examples of how to implement
them. All of these events are, of course, already implemented, so if
the actions provided are adequate, no local subs are required.
The actual implementation of on_head1 is somewhat more complex, to
provide for the detection of the module title and insertion of the
my $podhtml = Pod::HtmlEasy->new (
on_B => sub {
my ( $this , $txt ) = @_ ;
return "<b>$txt</b>" ;
} ,
on_C => sub {
my ( $this , $txt ) = @_ ;
return "<font face='Courier New'>$txt</font>" ;
} ,
on_E => sub {
my ( $this , $txt ) = @_ ;
$txt =~ s{^&}{}smx;
$txt =~ s{;$}{}smx;
$txt = qq{#$txt} if $txt =~ /^\d+$/ ;
return qq{\0&$txt;};
} ,
on_F => sub {
my ( $this , $txt ) = @_ ;
return "<b><i>$txt</i></b>" ;
} ,
on_I => sub {
my ( $this , $txt ) = @_ ;
return "<i>$txt</i>" ;
} ,
on_L => sub {
my ( $this , $L , $text, $page , $section, $type ) = @_ ;
if ( $type eq 'pod' ) {
$section = defined $section ? "#$section" : '';
$page = '' unless defined $page;
return "<i><a href='$page$section'>$text</a></i>" ;
elsif( $type eq 'man' ) { return "<i>$text</i>" ;}
elsif( $type eq 'url' ) { return "<a href='$page' target='_blank'>$text</a>" ;}
} ,
on_S => sub {
my ( $this , $txt ) = @_ ;
$txt =~ s/\n/ /gs ;
return $txt ;
} ,
on_X => sub { return '' ; } ,
on_Z => sub { return '' ; } ,
on_back => sub {
my $this = shift ;
return "</ul>$NL" ;
} ,
on_begin => sub {
my $this = shift ;
my ( $txt , $a_name ) = @_ ;
$this->{IN_BEGIN} = 1;
return '';
} ,
on_error => sub {
my ( $this , $txt ) = @_ ;
return qq{<!-- POD_ERROR: $txt -->} ;
} ,
on_end => sub {
my $this = shift ;
my ( $txt , $a_name ) = @_ ;
delete $this->{IN_BEGIN};
return '';
} ,
on_for => sub { return '' ;} ,
on_head1 => sub {
my ( $this , $txt , $a_name ) = @_ ;
return qq{<a name='$a_name'></a><h1>$txt</h1>$NL$NL} ;
} ,
on_head2 => sub {
my ( $this , $txt , $a_name ) = @_ ;
return qq{<a name='$a_name'></a><h2>$txt</h2>$NL$NL} ;
} ,
on_head3 => sub {
my ( $this , $txt , $a_name ) = @_ ;
return qq{<a name='$a_name'></a><h3>$txt</h3>$NL$NL} ;
} ,
on_head4 => sub {
my ( $this , $txt , $a_name ) = @_ ;
return qq{<a name='$a_name'></a><h4>$txt</h4>$NL$NL} ;
} ,
on_include => sub {
my ( $this , $file ) = @_ ;
return qq{./$file} ;
} ,
on_item => sub {
my ( $this , $txt ) = @_ ;
return qq{<li>$txt</li>$NL} ;
} ,
on_index_node_start => sub {
my ( $this , $txt , $a_name , $has_children ) = @_ ;
my $ret = qq{<li><a href='#$a_name'>$txt</a>$NL} ;
$ret .= q{$NL<ul>$NL} if $has_children ;
return $ret ;
} ,
on_index_node_end => sub {
my $this = shift ;
my ( $txt , $a_name , $has_children ) = @_ ;
my $ret = $has_children ? q{</ul>} : $EMPTY ;
return $ret ;
} ,
on_over => sub {
my ( $this , $level ) = @_ ;
return qq{<ul>$NL? ;
} ,
on_textblock => sub {
my ( $this , $txt ) = @_ ;
return if exists $this->{IN_BEGIN};
return qq{<p>$txt</p>$NL} ;
} ,
on_uri => sub {
my ( $this , $uri ) = @_ ;
return qq{<a href='$uri' target='_blank'>$uri</a>{ ;
} ,
on_verbatim => sub {
my ( $this , $txt ) = @_ ;
$txt =~ s{(\A$NL)*(\A$NL)\z}{}gsmx;
return '' unless length $txt;
return qq{<pre>$txt</pre>$NL} ;
} ,
) ;
## Convert to HTML:
my $html = $podhtml->pod2html('test.pod' ,
'test.html' ,
title => 'POD::Test' ,
body => { bgcolor => '#CCCCCC' } ,
css => 'test.css' ,
) ;
new ( %EVENTS_SUBS )
By default the object has it own sub to handler the events.
But if you want to personalize/overwrite them you can set the keys in the initialization:
(For examples of how to implement the event subs see USAGE above).
- on_B ( $txt )
When B<...> is found. (bold text).
- on_C ( $txt )
When C<...> is found. (code text).
- on_E ( $txt )
When E<...> is found. (a character escape).
- on_I ( $txt )
When I<...> is found. (italic text).
- on_L ( $L , $text, $page, $section, $type )
When L<...> is found. (Link).
- on_F ( $txt )
When F<...> is found. (used for filenames).
- on_S ( $txt )
When S<...> is found. (text contains non-breaking spaces).
- on_X ( $txt )
When X<...> is found. (a null (zero-effect) formatting code).
- on_Z ( $txt )
When Z<...> is found. (a null (zero-effect) formatting code).
- on_back
When =back is found.
- on_begin
When =begin is found.
By default everything from '=begin' to '=end' is ignored.
- on_error ( $txt )
Called on POD syntax error occurrence.
- on_head1 ( $txt , $a_name )
When =head1 is found.
- on_head2 ( $txt , $a_name )
When =head2 is found. See on_head1.
- on_head3 ( $txt , $a_name )
When =head3 is found. See on_head1.
- on_head4 ( $txt , $a_name )
When =head4 is found. See on_head1.
- on_for
When =for is found.
By default '=for' is ignored.
- on_item ( $txt )
When =item foo is found.
- on_end
When =end is found. See '=begin' above.
- on_include ( $file )
When =include is found. Should be used only to handle the localtion of the $file.
- on_index_node_start ( $txt , $a_name , $has_children )
Called to build the INDEX. This is called when a node is start. $has_children can be used to know if the node has childs (sub-nodes).
- on_index_node_end ( $txt , $a_name , $has_children )
Called to build the INDEX. This is called when a node ends. $has_children can be used to know if the node has childs (sub-nodes).
- on_over ( $level )
When =over X is found.
- on_textblock ( $txt )
When normal text blocks are found.
- on_uri ( $uri )
When an URI (URL, E-MAIL, etc...) is found.
- on_verbatim ( $txt )
When VERBATIM data is found, trailing empty lines are deleted.
Note: This interface was previously called "on_verbatin". That interface has been retained for backwards compatibility.
Convert a POD to HTML. Returns the HTML data generated, as a string or as a list, according to context.
The POD file (file path), data (SCALAR) or FILEHANDLE (GLOB, opened).
- HTML_FILE (optional)
The output HTML file path or FILEHANDLE.
- %OPTIONS (optional)
- basic_entities
- body
The body values.
body => q`alink="#FF0000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#000000" text="#000000" vlink="#000066"` , ## Or: body => { bgcolor => "#CCCCCC" , link => "#0000FF" } , ## This will overwrite only this 2 values,
Default: alink="#FF0000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#000000" text="#000000" vlink="#000066"
- common_entities
- css
Can be a css file HREF or the css data.
css => 'test.css', ## Or: css => q` BODY { background: white; color: black; font-family: arial,sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 1ex; } TABLE { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; border-width: 0; color: inherit; } ` ,
- index
Set the index data. If not set the index will be generated automatically, calling the event subs on_index_node_start and on_index_node_end
- index_item
If set, items will be added in the index.
- no_css
If set do not use css.
- no_index
If set, do not build and insert the index.
- no_generator
If set, the meta GENERATOR tag won't be added.
- only_content
If set only generate the HTML content (between <body>...</body>).
- parserwarn
The backend we use is Pod::Parser. This module generates warnings when it detects badly-formed POD. Regretably, it also generates warnings about multiple blank lines, which can be annoying. Thus, it's disabled by default.
- title
The title of the HTML. Default: content of the first =head1 NAME, or, failing that the file path
- top
Set TOP data. The HTML _top will be added just before the index. If there is a value associated with -top (as in -top uArr) That value will be added to to the head1 text. The value should be either a literal character, a representation of a extended HTML character, (as in uArr) or an existing file.
Utility Functions
Returns the default CSS.
pm_version ( pod2html )
Return the version of a Perl module file or undef. This is extracted from a statement that looks like "VERSION = 5.0008"
pm_package ( pod2html )
Return the package name of a Perl module file or undef.
pm_name ( pod2html )
Returns what follows the first instance of =head1 NAME description or undef.
pm_package_version_name ( pod2html )
Returns a list: ( pm_package, pm_version, pm_name )
In compliance with HTML 4.01 specification, Pod::HtmlEasy supports the ISO 8859-1 character set (also known as Latin-1). In essence, this means that the full 8-bit character set is supported.
HTML provides an escape mechanism that allows characters to be specified by name; this kind of specification is called an entity.
Some characters must be converted to entities to avoid confusing user agents. This happens automagically. These characters are: &, <, >, "
HTML (via its relationship with SGML) supports a large number of characters that are outside the set supported by ISO 8859-1. These can be specified in the text by using the E&ls;...> construct. These encodings are defined by ISO 10646, which is semi-informally known as UNICODE. For example, the "heart" symbol E&l;dhearts>. These are listed in section 24.3.1, The list of characters of the HTML 4.01 specification.
Pod::HtmlEasy scans text (but not verbatim text!) for embedded URIs, such as
that are not embedded in L&ls;...>. Schemes detected are http, https, file and ftp. References of the form are treated as mailto references and are translated accordingly.
Previous versions handled a more extensive list of URIs. It was thought that the overhead for processing these other schemes was not justified by their utility.
You can extend POD defining non-standard events.
For example, to enable the command "=hr":
my $podhtml = Pod::HtmlEasy->new(
on_hr => sub {
my ( $this , $txt ) = @_ ;
return "<hr>" ;
) ;
To define a new formatting code, do the same thing, but the code must be a single letter.
So, to enable "G<...>":
my $podhtml = Pod::HtmlEasy->new(
on_G => sub {
my ( $this , $txt ) = @_ ;
return "<img src='$txt' border=0>" ;
) ;
This script requires the following modules:
L< Carp>
L< English>
L< File::Slurp>
L< Readonly>
L< Regexp::Common>
L< Switch>
This is the default CSS added to the HTML.
** If you will set your own CSS use this as base.
background: white;
color: black;
font-family: arial,sans-serif;
margin: 0;
padding: 1ex;
border-collapse: collapse;
border-spacing: 0;
border-width: 0;
color: inherit;
IMG { border: 0; }
FORM { margin: 0; }
input { margin: 2px; }
A.fred {
text-decoration: none;
A:link, A:visited {
background: transparent;
color: #006699;
TD {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border-width: 0;
DT {
margin-top: 1em;
TH {
background: #bbbbbb;
color: inherit;
padding: 0.4ex 1ex;
text-align: left;
TH A:link, TH A:visited {
background: transparent;
color: black;
A.m:link, A.m:visited {
background: #006699;
color: white;
font: bold 10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
text-decoration: none;
A.o:link, A.o:visited {
background: #006699;
color: #ccffcc;
font: bold 10pt Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
text-decoration: none;
A.o:hover {
background: transparent;
color: #ff6600;
text-decoration: underline;
A.m:hover {
background: transparent;
color: #ff6600;
text-decoration: underline;
table.dlsip {
background: #dddddd;
border: 0.4ex solid #dddddd;
.pod PRE {
background: #eeeeee;
border: 1px solid #888888;
color: black;
padding-top: 1em;
white-space: pre;
.pod H1 {
background: transparent;
color: #006699;
font-size: large;
.pod H2 {
background: transparent;
color: #006699;
font-size: medium;
.pod IMG {
vertical-align: top;
.pod .toc A {
text-decoration: none;
.pod .toc LI {
line-height: 1.2em;
list-style-type: none;
- option key is not supported
You've used (mis-spelled?) an unrecognized option.
- "basic_entities" is deprecated
Like it says.
- "common_entities" is deprecated
Like it says.
- No file file
We couldn't find that (input) file.
- pm_whatever must be referenced through Pod::HtmlEasy
The various pm_ functions are referenced through the module.
The maintainer would appreciate hearing about any messages other than those that result from the
use warnings
specified for each module. .HtmlEasy uses Pod::Parser, which may produce error messages concerning malformed HTML.
Neither is relevant.
None are known.
Please report problems at RT:
Graciliano M. P. <>
I will appreciate any type of feedback (include your opinions and/or suggestions). ;-P
Thanks to Ivan Tubert-Brohman <> that suggested to add the basic_entities and common_entities options and for tests.
Updates for version 0.0803 and subsequent by Geoffrey Leach <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 1548:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'